18. Serving the Devil

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"Well here goes nothing." I bend down to pick up pieces of the now distorted "piece of art". It's no joke when he praised the beauty of this vase, it's one of a kind. But the way he behaved, leaving me no other option but to give into his demand. Ten days of being a slave to him, oh what have I got myself into. Being a person that values their freedom, it's hard to go on and do stuff without even questioning. I'm not sure how I ended up meeting him in the first place. Moments like this make me question if only I'm on the list of God's
'Bad luck child' list. But on the other hand, he keeps me distracted from the ongoing turmoil in my life. I still cannot process how I am a key to a safe, where actually is my family, and who exactly is the villian here and the most important thing, why is Sebastian Jones helping me? I hope Stephen finds relevant information about my family's last seen.

"Fuck," a silent curse leaves my mouth when I realise that a small piece of glass pierced my finger. I look at the few drops of blood that graciously fall on the floor taking their time resonating the level of my patience with this Satan. I'm pretty sure one of these ten days, I'll have a fight with him, bastard.

"Hattie, can you please tell me where the first aid kit is?"
I throw the pieces of the vase in the dustbin wrapping them in an old piece of cloth.

"Here it is Ma'am."

"Hey! Don't call me that." I lightly nudge Hattie's shoulder while grabbing the first aid kit earing a small smile from her. Hattie did offer me to aid my wound but I refused. She already has a lot of work and I don't want to irritate her anymore. I carefully pluck out the small piece of glass from my hand.

"Nah I already cleared that Hattie, you don't have to worry," I speak telling Hattie to not worry about the vase assuring her that I cleaned it already and ultimately that's why I got this cut. Immediately I apply the ointment and cover my cut with a thin sheet of bandage.

"Do you know where the devil is?" I tie my hair up in a bun.

"Downstairs, in the hall," Hattie answers, thanking me for god knows what, and continues doing her work.

I roam around lazily contemplating what happened in the last half an hour. What course of actions led me into this situation. Before I completed picking up the broken vase pieces, a sense of irritation flowed through me but now my senses are lost in deep thought. And then, the devil arrives. His footsteps halt seeing me while I eye him. His clothes changed, having a simple white shirt and black pants clung onto his body, he looks none than a model. His eyes scan me and I find a hidden glee in them.

"What's with the happiness Satan? Elated to see me suffer." I roll my eyes as he subtly curves his lips slightly before saying another audacious statement

"It's an unusual sight to see you calm for a second, Komal." Was I supposed to reply to his statement when he just so effortlessly pronounced my name which felt like molten hot chocolate to my ears?

"What else do you want me to do?" With absolutely no intention to ask this question, I proceed to ask it anyways because god forbid what I did last night.

"Hmm," he proceeds to think while I stand there admiring his features. "Wash my car."
The way my face scrunches in confusion makes the devil smile as he steps forward coming closer, "Why shocked? Did I manage to get on your nerves yet, Komal?"

"Your mere existence is a nuisance to me!" I stomp my feet pushing him back. Only if it were different circumstances, I would have slapped the shit out of him at this point. Who does he think he actually is?! Not wanting to boil my blood more I storm off the place not giving a second glance at him.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19 ⏰

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