13. Drunk? Probably.

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The idea to provoke Satan was indeed a bad one, but how can a man play with my feelings just like that? Hell nah. I try to take a side glance just to watch him glaring at me but this time I walk straight inside the club. My brain froze after comprehending what I just did but the hoe of the cockroaches! do I give a fuck, a single one? No.

Upon entering I spot Damon, Rafael, Ivan sitting near the left side of the bar and Anya and Stephen with their dates to the opposite side. Each one of them having their gazes darted in my direction. The devil's presence inside the bar is sensed the next second and I approach the table where Anya and Stephen is sitting. I sit my frustrated ass on the vacant chair placed there which was previously occupied by Anya's girlfriend. Snatching the glass from Stephen's hand I gulp down the drink in one go. The annoyed looks combined with curiously of them all directed towards me only makes me roll my eyes.

"Speak up!" Anya demands but before I could curse the Satan, Stephen speaks beforehand.
"Holy Christ on a moterbike. You are so not ruining the hangout because of someone, not when you're dressed like a fucking slut."
The look I give Stephen at that time is not just a normal glare but a glare of an offended woman, who have just heard someone comment on her dressing style, even if it's her close best friend because she doesn't like anyone defiling her especially when her blood is boiling.

I release an exasperated sigh.

"Don't call me that." Stephen rolls his eyes and glares at me. One statement coming from
Stephen's boyfriends mouth makes me respect him more. "Don't call her that! Respect a lady huh." That Thai accent had me dead. Stephen just ignores him making a face. "Komal! Don't tell me-"

"No!" I exclaim beforehand. Not Anya thinking he kissed me.

You wish though

"Not right now babes." Anya gave me a quick nod and watch carefully as all the eyes of the golden group are on me, as I process all the incidents that happened quiet a few moments ago. Immediately I drift my attention for them to my friends on the table, I have no intentions of ruining their fun because of me. The atmosphere of the club gets changed as the music changes. I swiftly narrow my eyes at Stephen having an idea popped up in my head.

"But now that you've mentioned it Stephen," he curiously looks at me along with the three people on the table.

"Let me actually behave like a 'slut' for once." Giving all of them a quick glance, I get up from my seat. Out of all, Stephen smiled the brightest at my statement because he knows that I've decided to not spoil a very fine evening because of an arrogant god.

"And how exactly?" Anya questions, her brows knitting together in confusion that disappears and her eyes widen when I mention, "wait and watch." I wink at her and turn over my heels heading towards the bar. My Ángels and devils were fighting but this time I listened to the devil side. I'm here to enjoy so fuck that certain man for right now at least.

"Four shots please." The bartender nods quickly as I try to ignore the burning gaze on me from a certain someone along with the others. The bartender passes the shots in my direction and it takes less than a minute for me to gulp them down. The liquid sending goosebumps along with a stingily burning sensation. The next shot didn't effect much and I gulped the remaining ones. The atmosphere of the club changed, the lights got dim remarking that the sun has set already. I gazed quickly at Stephen before flashing a smile and mouthing 'watch me'. I abruptly stood up and made my way to the dance floor with calculated steps intentionally swaying my hips. The cold gaze has not left my sight but has got intense after I flipped my hair.

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