16. Strange Behaviour

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A talk? Apparently the arrival of my death sentence.

"Stop scaring me, what did I do last night?"

"Komal Sharma is scared? Ironic." His tone was laced with sarcasm. I bet he's up to something and I here am feeling grotesque not being able to remember the incidents of last night.

"Shut up!" I exclaim making a face. To be frank, he's right and by his words, I am just a 99.99% sure that I am doomed. I focus my attention on him who casually comes near me and trails his hand down my cheek, slowly and skilfully. His fingers make their way delicately running through my hair, his warm warmth engulfing me in. I tilt my head slightly closing my eyes to embrace this small yet magical moment. I'm still confused as to why even a second passed in his presence is so peaceful to me. A strange feeling of serenity.

"Calm down little cat," these words roll off his tongue making me snap open my eyes and glare at him. His eyes are cold as ever, as he adds further, "In short, you did unrepairable damage to certain things." I gulp, way too hard drying my throat even more.

"Certain things?" I'm pretty sure this answer of his's indicates a pun and his calm demeanor scares me for a second while cold shivers run down my spine at the touch of his warm fingers. With each passing second my mind is constantly bugging me forcing me to remember what happened last night but sadly I couldn't remember even a bit. I abruptly removed his hand going completely opposite of my heart and say, "Shut up." even when he hadn't uttered any words.

The door clicks revealing none other than Damon. I travel my gaze to the bag he's holding and immediately get the idea that there's a dress in it for me.

"Mouse," I address him only to earn a very formal and annoyed reply, "Oh hi."

"Damon..." The way Damon is giving me looks is certainly making me a bit upset. He indeed has made sure that he is upset about what happened last night and honestly, I don't blame him, I get his concern. The urge to ask him to put himself in my shoes and then think gets heightened when he says, "Woke up after causing ruckus last night?"

I take a deep breath before saying. "Yes."

Damon looks at the devil, flabbergasted, pointing towards me and shaking his head, making it clear that he didn't expect this answer.

"Well," I stand up, "You have a talk with your precious princess while I get changed for whatever talk he has to do with me." I snatch the bag from Damon's hands and taking a last look at him, leave the room. After what all happened right now, I sure couldn't take a bath in his room.

"You're so stupid Komal." I slap my forehead cursing myself before striding off to find another room in his mansion but not before hearing a small conversation between the two best friends.

"Why is she so reckless?" I expected Damon to say something like this but what I didn't expect was the devil taking my stand,

"Can you entirely blame her? I am impressed by how composed she is right now considering what is going on in her life. I admire her resilience."

I smile. At least the devil is sensible.

I enter the random room among the others on this floor and is left aghast by how well-maintained, clean and spacious this room is. Without wasting any much time I go straight in the bathroom.

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