17. These ten days will be death for me

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I knew I couldn't do anything and whether I want him to stop, I know he won't. In a trice, he smoothly removes my hair and pushes it to my right shoulder letting them graciously fall in the front. With the back of my neck exposed, it takes him only a fraction of a second to spray the liquid infused with the smell of soft and sweet floral fragrance with a musky side. The scent alone is inviting and alluring at the same time. I take a glance at the very fine devil, who gently sprays the perfume on the soft spot behind my ear. Before I could say anything, he leans down. His face floating just beside my left cheek as he inhales slowly.

As if it wasn't enough for him, he oh so gently whispers in my ear, "now you're ready." His proximity was enough for me to get lost in my imagination, and now his voice made the butterflies in my stomach start fluttering making their way all upto the seventh cloud. I part my lips to say something but remain unsuccessful when I feel the velvety touch of his lips on my ear lobe. His lips just slightly gracing my skin as I try to speak, "I.."

"You?" Is he intentionally doing this or what?

"Back off," I barely manage to speak as he crosses his arms behind his back asking, "speak clearly Komal I couldn't quite catch that." I could see his lips curling ever so slightly.

"I said back off." This time I spoke loud enough for him to hear. He steps back and I turn around. It may be my hallucination that I find a hidden glee in his eyes when he looks down at me uttering, "Let's go." I blink, comprehending what just happened and once my brain started working again, I pace up and leaves the room before he could. The tendency of my brain to malfunction when he is near me will prove deleterious.

I could feel him walking right behind me as I make my way to the staircase. For a sudden moment my eyes land on a broken vase. From the looks of it, the vase is expensive and one of the fine structures made of Chinese porcelain. Well, it was now that it's shattered. I don't pay any heed to it and carry on walking. The scent of the perfume he applied and the one which I have on gets mixed as I descend the stairs. I secretly glance at him, the potential of his is bench-pressing. The second I reach the ground floor, my eyes land on the freshly served breakfast on the grand table. I rushed to sit down feeling my hungry stomach growl the next second.

"I'm starving!" My exclamation made him scrunch his face as he mouthed, "Stop screeching." I knew, ignoring him won't be the best option as he gets seated on the chair that is usually reserved for the owner of the house. At least, that's what I have read in books. I was oblivious that I was sitting on the first chair on the right side.

"Don't touch it." I was stopped by a command coming from the very arrogant Satan as I was about to grab a few of the berries kept on the table. If it were any other day, I wouldn't have listened to him but today is exceptional. I am still unaware of what I did last night.

Created ruckus and trouble for yourself

A voice answers from the back of my head and I sure don't wish to invite more problems right now, at least.

"Here please." I was gently dragged away from my thoughts as Hattie placed the plate in front of me and Satan. The plate was full of delicacies, a continental breakfast with food ranging from as simple as bread and butter to dishes like frittata, ricotta pancakes, brioche, cannoli, and tiramisu, the few I could recognise. A typical Italian platter. I could portray myself sitting in a small village in Italy, facing the shore and enjoying my breakfast. And Of course, there were complimentary juices along with fruits. It's been quite a long time since I have had a proper breakfast like this, but having a classified 'rich' breakfast in his house was the least I could expect. Although considering the events happening in my life lately, I am not surprised.

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