09. "Devour what I cooked"

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And this is what we call a major shocker. When I thought we'll be going to his place, the car halts in front of a fashionable newfangled house. He takes the lead and I follow him. We enter through the huge gate and I spot two cars in the driveway, one familiar and one not. All the time that we took to enter the house, I was trying to detangle my messed up hair. Literally I could never handle open hairs for more than an hour.

Why didn't I saw it coming? That whatever this Satan says turns out to be true most of the time?

Damn unholy god

"Hi Sebastian," Damon says. "Excuse me? Do I know you?" The black pair of eyes gets stuck on me for more than I expected and what we call staring. If it were the blue orbs giving me that kind of attention, I would be super conscious of myself because I know his gaze could drive me mad and wipe away my confidence.

"Im sexy, don't make it obvious by staring at me like that, Damon." I flip my hair, being extra self obsessed only to watch Damon stand in front of me. "Why not?" A scoff follows from the Devil's side and I take a quick glance at him in surprise.
But Damon doesn't give me much time to understand why the Satan gave such an unanticipated reaction which I believe was fortuitous, his hand drapes over the side of my cheek, then further to the neck saying, "you are such a beautiful sight to ogle."

And you are such a flirt.
I changed my words so as to make him jealous, "I'm way more than just that." My words made Damon smile and it might be my illusion if I heard a curse leaving Sebastian's mouth.
Oh damn!

"What did I just witness?" Rafael reveals himself, his jaw dropped on the floor and hands covering his face making a shocked face. Over dramatic, as fuck.

"Open your eyes Rafael." My eye rolls when Rafael says further, "excuse you miss, I don't know you." Ivan joins to their 'you-look-unrecognisable' act. Rafael push asides Sebastian to take a good look at my attire and Circles around me just to say, "look at those hips? Where did you buy them from?"
The urge to slap him is at its peak.
"Can I touch-"

"Stay in your limits, Caruso." The intensity at which I snap my neck in his direction could have sprained it. Flabbergasting were his words.

Is the Satan being vexed?

A relief kind of feeling strikes me when Damon reciprocates the words I had in mind. "Why so irritated?"

"Thought less morons." With that Sebastian strides off leaving me dumbfounded, at least.

"Was he born grumpy or his harmones are on a marathon today?" My hands travels all the way up to make a question mark and in return all three of them chuckles. Heartfelt chuckle. We all settle on the sofa when Damon utters, "lights on." It takes just a second for the lights to automatically turn on and I remain astonished, "When am I allowed to move here with you, in your house, mouse?" Damon smiles at the nickname and speaks, "Anytime, it's all yours. Come whenever." I nod my head as Rafael jumps beside me and takes a strand of my hair twirling it in his fingers. Examining the texture of my hair he asks, "Are these real?"

"200 percent real."

"I thought these were-"

"Extensions." Damon completes the statement for Rafael and the look on their faces screams that they didn't expect this answer.

"Or a wig maybe." Rafael says and to my surprise Ivan runs a hand through my hair, very gently and smiles. "These are soft." I grin back at him. For some reason Ivan's aura feels as calm as water. A very naturally heartwarming aura.

For the next five minutes we talk and Damon fights with Rafael to have my hair all to himself to play with them and I on the other hand kept reminding them that these are my hair. And Ivan, he sat watching three dramatic asses put on a show. At last Damon won.

"Guys, guys important, very fucking important question." I exclaim and when I've gained their attention, I ask, "You guys still single or are fucking girls nonstop?"

They way they all laugh had me dying. "No one, kitten. I'm all available." Damon won't change. "Alright mouse I'll tell the girls at the strip club that they can come over." Rafael laughs and says, "Nope, I'm in a relationship with my phone and food. One toxic, one healthy." I shake my head before glancing at Ivan.

"And you, mister?"

"I don't have time for this."

I deny to believe that these handsome devils are single. And now I want to know if my mister arrogant has someone in his life.

Your mr arrogant huh?

But I refrain myself from asking when feel my hair being pulled slightly. "Damon sto-" and then I realise it wasn't Damon when someone's warmth engulfs me in and the similar scent which striking with my nostrils takes me somewhere else in my fantasy. His fingers skilfully takes a tour of my hairs as I instantly turn into ice.

I take a deep breath considering that there are three more people in the room and I couldn't afford to dive into my fantasy world with them present. "Back the fuck off, don't touch me." Stating out something which is a complete lie when I know my body reacts all opposite to his touch.

"Mhm," he continues to do it. "Ouch," this time he pulls my hair purposely as I abruptly tires to stand up on the couch and flip myself over to face him but land on the headboard of it displaying the enticts of a clown. But I was refrained back from complaining when two veiny mascular arms catch hold of my hands or I would have served the purpose of infinite entertainment to the handsome devils sitting in the room.

"Do you purposely do it, Komal? Falling in front of me every time?"

"You wish mister." I pull up and stand straight on my legs maintaining a long followed eye contact with him. He flases a brilliant smirk before striding to sit down with us. Someone is in a great mood today. A ghost of smile appears on my lips but I quickly hide it.

"Why are we here by the way?"

"To devour what I cooked."


What did he say?

Short update. I've been trying to spare some time to pen down updates but life's been really busy.
How are you sexy pumas?

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