03. Me and my what?

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The lady doctor using her stethoscope starts examining my heartbeat from the front placing in on my chest. "Turn over, please." She asks as I turn around slightly exposing my back to her.

My eyes gets locked with this satan and I realise I still had my grip on his hand. I pull back my hand abruptly and look him directly into his eyes hoping he could read the 'you have to tell me everything' hidden in my gaze. I have a hell lot of questions and in no way I am going to let him get away without answering.

"Extend your hand, Komal." The doctor's voice makes me break the eye contact with him and turn towards her extending my hand. I watch her take out a syringe and small bottle of a medicine before filling the syringe with the medicine. Ever since I was a child, I hated injections. They doesn't scare me but I hate them.

"Can't you give me medicine instead of that?" I ask pointing to the syringe. "Sorry, but this one is necessary."

Fuck it

"Uh-huh, the girl who doesn't fear using a gun is scared of a mere needle?" He whispers so that only I could here it and I catch the sarcasm dripping off his tone plus mockery. This man can never leave any chance to mock me. I crane my neck up and zip my lips in a straight line.
"Watch it." I pull the sleeve of the blue hospital gown baring my shoulder.
The heated eye contact doesn't gets disrupted when the doctor placed the syringe next to my upper arm.

"Done yet?" I ask still maintaining the eye contact.


I suite the sleeve again and say, "scared of a mere needle....my ass." I roll my eyes the next second and watch his lips stretch in a thin curve. This smirk, I swear to god.

"Alright, everything is fine, the nurse will come after a bit again. Take rest." The lady flashes a brilliant smile and excuses herself.

"Sometimes I wish to slap that look off your face, sir." I say adding a different tone and intentionally addressing him as 'sir'
He just remains the same, his face marked with the same unreadable look.
"The hell got into you?" I say only to hear a heartfelt chuckle leaving his mouth. This is what suits him better, it's very rare when he laughs but when he does, it's the most beautiful site someone can ever see.

This man holds a very capricious nature.

I mutter an curse under my breath and laugh, after all that happened I finally managed to steal a reason to laugh.

"Such a dirty mouth have you got." Out of everything I said, his ears only perceived the cuss leaving my mouth.
"Saying as if you can do something about it?" I make a face and crook.
He leans down dangerously close to my ear. "I can do a lot of things to tame you Komal, you are just not aware of it." He speaks over the shell of my ear sending hundered degree chills down my spine.

He stands straight again smirking at me.
"Whatever." I stand a finger in his direction, "Don't fly too high."

He grabs my hand lowering it and his dangerous tone is heard next, "Use that mouth again and watch me how I shut it using my own methods." I remain calm but internally I am screaming.

His own methods

It takes me a minute to erase the picture his words painted in my mind... his mouth claiming mine right here.

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