We followed him outside to a minivan and jumped in.

I jumped into the back seat with Jimin, while my parents got in the front row, talking to Mark as he drove.

Jimin was holding my hand tightly, watching everything through the window as we drove past things. But I did, too. I don't remember a thing, so in a way, it's like I'm here for the first time.

'I don't know what I expected. I saw so many movies and shows with New York, and nothing like like it does there.' Jimin chuckled lightly, not looking at from the window

Much like you would imagine, it's a concrete jungle. Skyscrapers, buildings, and long roads with a million people on the sidewalk.

'That's so cool.' He was smiling in the most beautiful way, his entire face lighting up at he was looking at the empire state building while we drove near it

Gosh he is gorgeous... I took a picture, but he noticed and only smiled wider. I suppose he's dealt with it.

'Look.' He pulled me lightly, pointing to it. 'It looks so much cooler than in the movies. Wanna go there and see it up close one day?'

'Absolutely. We can go anywhere.' I hug his arm. 'That's why we're here.'

'Also, please don't leave my side. I will get lost. I can't speak English to save my life.' He looked a bit traumatized saying it, so it was a bit funnier than needed, but understandable. 'Hey, it's not funny.' He scolded me, but he was laughing along

'No need to worry. I'm not gonna leave you on your own.' I hug his arm. 'You're not getting rid of me that easily.'

'Well, we're here.' My dad announces, breaking apart our little joking quarrel

The car stopped and turned off, letting us all out. 'Welcome to New York.' My dad beams

'Wow...' Jimin spun around slowly, taking all the sights in. 'So cool.'

'So, I figured it would be better if you two had your own peace, so here.' He gives me two sets of keys

'What is this?' I ask, looking at the keys in my hand, then at my dad

'Come, come.' He giggled and we followed him into a fancy building, going straight for the lift. This is a massive place. The building has 60 floors, and we are on the top one. A friggin penthouse.

'So, this is where you two will be staying. I bought this ages ago but haven't used it. I just wanted to have a cool place. Kid of sad when I think about it...' He started rambling, then shook his head. 'Anyway, go in. Go, go.'

I used the key and opened the door, and instatly felt my breath stuck in my throat.

'Fuck. Me.' Jimin cursed at the same sight, quite loudly at that, but honestly, I'm right there with him. My poor mom went white in her face as well from the shock. My dad, though, he found it funny.

This is not a normal fucking house. This costs millions and millions. How fucking rich is he?!!?!

'Go, take a stroll.' He giggled, giving me ad Jimin a light push forward

'I'm gonna faint.' Jimin says to me, taking my hand in his, although this felt more like he will actualy collapse. I might, too.

'You and me both.'



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