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I barely slept last night.

I couldn't stop thinking about everything that happened, starting with the kiss. That got me to giggle and squeal in my pillow like an idiot for a while. Then I remembered meeting his mom, and that made me want to bury myself deep, deep underground so that I couldn't be reached ever again. The woman must think I'm an absolute psycho. And then, there's the tiny little thing where Jimin doesn't know what he wants.

I may have gone a bit hard on him, expecting a lot from him. He said so himself, he never did this before. Of course he is scared. I am too, but not of being with him. Now that I told him about how I feel, I can't go back to being his friend. And after that kiss, I want him so much more.

I got out of the house, and instantly wanted to go back in. It was awful.

Thick clouds covered the skies, most of them too dark for morning, threatening with a heavy shower. No sign of sunshine anywhere, and it's getting pretty cold considering it's almost December. I contemplated bringing an umbrella, but I was honestly just too lazy to walk back 3 feet and get it, so I just walked away, praying for the best.

By the time I got to school, it started lightly drizzling. A few drops here and there, but enough to make people run inside of the school, looking for shelter.

And then, like the sunshine peaking through the clouds, he walked in through the door, ruffling his hair. Seems he caught a few drops, and they dripped from his hair down to his cheek and he's now wiping them away, walking to his locker.

'Hotness, you're staring at him a bit too much.'

'You need to stop sneaking up.' I swatted Jungkook on the forearm as he made me jump a little

'It's not my fault that you're not paying attention to anyone or anything apart from him.' He snorts

I just sighed heavily, my cheeks burning a bit too much. 'I know.' I mumbled

'Sorry. Did- did I just hear that correctly?' He steps away, looking at me with his doe eyes widening. 'Are you actually admitting it?'

'No point hiding it anymore, is there?'

'Fucking finally.' He grins. 'So, you gonna tell him or...?'

'He knows.'

'Sorry, what?!' He almost yells at me

I closed my locker and turned to look at him again. 'He knows that I'm in love with him.'

'I have so many questions.' He was blinking away like his brain was about to explode. 'Wait, are you together?!' He suddenly grinned

'No.' Glancing over at him, I felt like my heart dropped a little, but at the same time, it was racing

'What?! Why!?'

'I wanna know the same thing.' I mumbled. 'Sorry, but I don't really wanna talk about this, and don't tell him anything. Let us figure it out on our own. Please.'

'I don't get him at all.' Jungkook looks at Jimin. 'You know that he likes you, right?'

I just nodded, not wanting to explain everything that happened. 'Now, please, switch it up.' I put up a fake smile as I saw Jimin nearing. The last thing I want is for him to hear this.

'Then I'll just make him jealous.' He giggles, hugging me tightly so I couldn't run away, kissing me on the cheek, making sure Jimin can see him. Moron.

'Can you get off?' I fought him off, wiping my cheek with a grimace while he was finding it hilarious

Until he got smacked.

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