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'Noo...na... I... sleep.' Yujin was half mumbling from where he was laying on my thighs

He was trying his hardest to stay awake, but he was tired and falling asleep.

'Wanna go to bed, Yujini?' I whisper, feeling the tiniest of nods

'I'll take him.' Jimin picked him up gently, and he curled himself up in a tiny fluffy ball, getting cosy in Jimin's arms

'Come on, buddy.' Jimin kissed him lightly on the cheek, smiling at him as he walked away and up the stairs

He is going to be the most amazing father one day. The way he is with Yujin is one of many reasons why I fell in love with him. He is incredible.

Jimin came back only minutes later, sitting back down next to me.
'A year or so and I won't be able to carry him anymore. He's growing.'

'A year or so, and he will be carrying us around.' I joke a little, making him chuckle

Oh. I almost forgot.

I got on him, straddling him once again.

'Finally.' He smiles, pulling as close as he could as soon as I touched him.

'No, that's-' his little nibbles on my neck made me giggle. 'Wait, wait. One second.'

'Hmm? What's wrong?' He pulled away from my neck, looking into my eyes, and then he locked in on my thoughts only a second later, sighing deeply. 'Baby-'

'I know. I asked a gazillion times. And I promise you, this is the last time I'm asking. But I want you to be honest. Please. Don't give me the 'I'm thinking about it'. It's supposed to be a week away. Just-' I took a deep breath, placing my hands under his jaw. 'Just be honest. Please. No matter what your decision is.'

He didn't even need to say a word. He looked down, gulping slowly.

'I see.' I let go of him, letting my hands rest on his shoulders. 'I suppose we can go some other time.'

I did really want to go. I remember barely anything from back then. Actually, nothing. I want to see what it is like. But I would not hold on without him for weeks. I would go insane.

'Yes, we can. But you are going this time, too.' He looked back up at me

'I don't wanna.'

'We both know you do. I would too if I were you.' He had a tiny smile on his face, playing with a little strand of my hair. 'This is your home you're talking about, baby. Of course you want to go.'

'I don't wanna go without you. I want to see it all with you.' I didn't want to cry, but I feel like I will

'New York isn't going anywhere, baby. We can go see it together some other time. For an anniversary or something. But you can't not go just because I'm not going.'

'But it's being weeks apart. I would rather spend them with you.' I felt my throat tightening a little, but he just kept speaking softly, trying to reason with me

'Then how will you be okay without me for almost 2 years when I have to go the army?'


He chuckled softly, caressing my cheek. 'I'll have to go to army before I'm 30. All the guys have to. And that is a lot longer than a few weeks. We can call this practice.'

I am so not okay with that. But that is a future problem.
'I don't want to practice anything. I want you with me.'

'Don't cry, baby. Please.' He wiped my tears gently. 'We will talk all the time. I'm only a click away. And it's not like you're going forever. A few weeks and you'll come back to me. And I'll wait for you right here. I promise.'

'But- why?' I started crying even more. 'Why don't you want to go with me? Am I- do you need some time away from-'

'Listen to me, and listen well.' He cut off my nonsense, cupping my face from both sides. 'I would rather lose both my legs than be away from you, so don't even start with that nonsense.'

'Then why not come with me?' I keep pelading

'Tell me, if the roles were reversed, and my mom wanted to spend all that money on you, would you accept it?'


He just chuckled, wiping more of my tears. 'At least I don't have to worry about you lying to me. You're awful.' He found it funny and was giggling softly. 

I am not a bad liar at all, I just can't lie to him. And he is right. If anyone ever offered me the same I'd say no.

'Damn it. Why do you have to be right?' I punched him lightly in the tummy, but it was barely even a graze

'I'm sorry, baby, but I just can't. That is way too much, especially from someone I only saw twice in my life. I would feel awful taking the offer.' He is way too patient with me. I'd have smacked myself by now for acting like a spoiled toddler.

'I know.' I sniffle. 'I know it all, but... I just... I just really, really, really, unimaginably want to go there with you, so I hoped I'd annoy you into it. I knew you'd say no the moment you said you'd think about it. I was just being an idiot.' 

'I'm so sorry. I really am. I wish for nothing more than to go, but I will never allow someone to make it happen for me. I want to do that myself.'

'God I really sometimes wish you are a cocky, spoiled teenager, not this reponsible, mature man.' I sniffle, throwing out my frustrations at him, and he was just laughing away

'You'll thank me in 10 years time.' He pulled me down on his shoulder, kissing my hair before letting me hide there. 'Can you do me a favour when you're there?'

I just nodded, waiting for him to continue.

'Do some exploring, and write down everything you did and didn't like, so one day when we go together, we know where to go and what to avoid. And don't meet anyone else.'

That last bit made me laugh a bit more than it should. 'You're an idiot.'

'What? You're beautiful, and smart, and funny, and kind. Someone will come up to you whether you want it or not. And I won't be there to punch them in the face.' 

'No punching needed. No one is gonna come up to me, and even if anyone did, I'll pretend I don't speak English. Besides,' I raise myself up to look at him, 'why would I ever, in a million years, look elsewhere when I have the most perfect man?'

'You're not angry with me, then?' I'm not sure if he is scared or sad, but either way...

'How could I ever be mad at you? I love you too much for that.'

'Enough to give me a kiss?' He got all cute with me, melting me on the spot

'If I'm not going to see you for weeks, you better do a lot more than just kiss me.'

And just like that, the cute image is gone.

In a millisecond, he turned back into the horny, rough mess he was earlier and pulled me into himself by grabbing a handful of my hair.

'You better let your mom know that you're staying because I promise you, you will be too tired to walk home.'

'I never planned on going home.'.

He smirked, lightly licking his lips.
'Good girl.'

That again?! He's going to finish me off.

'Hold on tight, baby.' He got up from the sofa, holding me firlmy on himself as he carried me into his room.

I was down on his bed in no time, with him pinning my arms down next to my head.

'I'm gonna try my best to be gentle, but I can't make any promises that I won't get a bit rough. Is that okay?'

'More than okay.' I smile. 'Don't hold yourself back, baby. Love me like you want to.'

The next kiss he planted on my lips pretty much set the tone for the rest of the night.
Heated. Rough. Passionate. Erotic.

And he was right. Not a chance that I could go home.

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