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Well, he was fast. He was here in less than 20 minutes. I didn't even hear him come in, but he was sitting in the living room with my mom, neither of them really talking.

'Hi.' I waved a little as I walked down the stairs, and he got up the moment he heard my voice

He looked like a puppy, waiting for his walk. I think he got out in a hurry as well, as only half of his shirt is tucked into his trousers, and 2 buttons are buttoned all wrong. He was fiddling with his hands, trying to hide that they're shaking.

'Angel, hello.' He smiled at me, looking all happy and excited. 'Thank you for giving me a chance.' He bows a little

You'd think he's Korean with how he's acting, all the bowing and such. That reminds me, how the hell does he know Korean? I'll ask later.

'Please, don't bow.' I chuckle, trying to be as relaxed as I can. 'You are my father, after all. Why wouldn't I?' I smile

'What would you like to do? Anything you want. Name it.' He beams

'I always wanted to go sky diving.'

'Huh?' Poor man looked about ready to have a stroke

I started laughing at my own dumb joke, and then he picked up on it, laughing along. 'Maybe I should rethink my words. I was not ready to die today.'

'Don't worry, no jumping out of any planes.' I laugh. 'But maybe we could go have some lunch? Talk over some food?'

'That sounds a lot better than jumping from miles up in the air, so I'll take it.' He chuckles. 'Would you like to come with us, Sumia?'

He calls her Sumia? Kind of cute. But I'm more surprised he's asking her at all.

'Maybe some other time. I think this one should be just the two of you.' She smiled a bit at him. Is she- is she blushing?!

'Next time then.' He smiled back

Apparently, he knows a good place. And by the smell of it, I think he might be right. It's a little Korean barbecue place, and the smell when you walk in makes you want to drool.

'Welcome. Where would you like to sit?' A lady at the door thought we were foreigners and spoke to me in English

'Anywhere is fine.' I answered her in English, then switched to Korean. 'But we speak Korean, so don't worry.'

She seemed a bit surprised, but then laughed a bit at herself. 'Apologies. Come with me.'

She left us down to a table in the corner, which was kind of perfect. Secluded and private.

'I thought you'd forget English by now.' He was smiling at me from across the table

'Not at all. Plus, I study English in school as well. It does help being American, though.' I chuckle.  'Can I ask, how do you speak Korean? Did you learn it because of my mom or...?'

'You can ask anything you want, so don't worry.' He smiles, then starts explaining. 'Well, I used to work as a travel guide when I was younger, so I speak multiple languages. I was always infatuated with Asian countries, Korea, and Japan in particular, so I learnt the languages.'

'How many languages do you speak?'

'7. English, Korean, Japanese, Russian, Spanish, French, and Italian.'

'Oh, wow- damn. That's insane.' That is actually incredible. 7 languages?!

'I always loved learning new ones, and I've always been good at it. It served me well so far.' He chuckles

'It must be a mess in your head at times.' I joke

'It does happen. Every time I'm in a different country, I have to remember to switch, but then my brain switches too, so I think I'm that language. It's trippy.' He seemed confused even explaining it, and it made me laugh a little

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