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'Honey, I have good news!' My mom was surprisingly up and running, and in a great mood

'Hi, mom. What's up?' I smile at her, putting my backpack down on the chair

'I hot a new job. And it pays well.' She got squealy, hugging me tightly

'Great job, mom.' I hugged her back, pretending to be happy, but I know full well this will last a few months tops. 'What's the job?'

'I'm gonna work at the reception at the hotel.' She beams

'That sounds amazing, mom.' This is my far the best one yet. She's been a maid, a waitress, a cleaner. She was even a personal carer for a while. She's done a lot of things, but nothing too fancy. I don't know how she got this, but I'm happy she did.

'And I have another thing that I've decided.' She looked a bit more serious. 'I need to get myself clean. Can you help me?'

She is aware of her problem, but if I had a penny for every time she said this, I'd have a villa. She simply refuses to get any sort of professional help and constantly falls back. It's draining.

'Of course, mom. Let's get right on it.' I smile at her. If I don't usher her to spill and throw everything right away, we are fucked.

'Let's do that.' She smiled back

I watched as she crawled on her skinny knees, digging out bottles from all sorts of places. She really hid them all over. Not like I didn't know where they were, but addicts are crazy with these things.

There were a dozen bottles all around the place, and about 3 bottles of pills. But she actually threw them away. In these moments of clarity, I'm really proud of her.

When she's sober, she is the nicest person, but when she drinks... you want to be nowhere near her. A hysterical mess. Insults, physical attacks, arguments, breaking things. I've seen it all. She is the reason I've never tried alcohol nor I want to. It makes me disgusted.

'I'm so sorry for putting you through all of this, my little angel. You are so perfect.' She held my face, leaving kisses on my forehead in the most morherly way, being all cute

There are days when I want to kill her and myself for everything she does, but she is my mother. So when I see her like this, it melts me away. I just want her to be happy. I want both of us to be happy.

Let's just hope that it sticks this time.

Yes. I'm lying to myself.


'There is our little slut.' Taehyung welcomed me with that cocky grin, walking next to me down the hall

'Is there anything you need or are you just here to kill my mood this early in the morning?' I sigh, not even looking at him

'Come on, don't act like you hate me.' He hugs me around the the shoulders

'Yuck. No, thanks.' I grimace, pushing his arm off. If there's one person I don't want touching me, it's him

'Not what I'm used to hearing you say, sweetheart.'

'Stop giving me nicknames. It makes me wanna barf. And, excuse me.' I push him quite violently as he was l leaning on my locker

He only chuckled, finding it amusing. 'So, who is in repertoire today? Jungkook? Hobi? Or, as much as I heard, you're after Jimin now?' He bursts out laughing

'You have serious issues, Tae. Go get some professional help.' I closed my locker and left him there. I swear he comes to school just to piss me off.

'You didn't complain last night!' He purposely yelled out out loud to make me embarrassed. But he's only pissing me off. If this is the best he can come up with, then I'm kind of disappointed.

'I would rather eat shit!' I flipped him off without even looking back and walked into the class

I had a minor shock seeing Jimin in his usual spot. He's not late?

His eyes locked into mine as I was walking in. It was so clear without the glasses. Not knowing how to react, I sent a little smile his way, and he looked away in an instant. Maybe I shouldn't do that at all.

I erased the smile off my face and headed for my desk, hoping no one saw a thing.

'Psst.' Tzuna calls me over with a random noise. 'Can we swap seats? I wanna talk to Hobi. Got something to ask him.'

Oh, she grew some balls.

'Sure.' I simply shrug and swap seats with her, letting her squish me in happiness. I don't care where I sit. Even better if Hobi is not next to me.

Hobi walked into the class shortly, fist bumping Jimin before walking over, looking at me and then Tzuna in confusion.
'Did we get moved or something?' He asks

'Or something. Sit there.' I gesture behind me

He just gave me a questionable look, and I just smiled a bit. I think he got it.

'Well, hello there.' He put on that sweet voice of his as he slid into his usual spot. His chair made a dragging noise as he pulled himself closer to Tzuna

'Hey.' She giggled. She was a mess. If I didn't know her, I'd find it cute. And if she knew him, she'd know he'll end up fucking her and never speaking to her again. Sad, but true.

'Morning, everyone.' Professor Chai got to class, smiling as he always did. 'We have a little fun project today. I hope you're all ready.'

Naturally, everyone groaned. No one likes working in groups. There's always that one person who does nothing and just sits back. Another person who does everything all on their own. And person who only complains and wants to be in charge, but they don't actually do fuck all besides stress everyone out.

'Alright, alright. Stop complaining. This is a pair assignment, not a group one. So pair up quickly.

It was mayhem for a minute while people tried to figure out who to pair up with. I already figured Tzuna and Hobi would be a pair. Not a chance she's gonna skip on that, so I've dealt my goodbye to that, and no one else will be with me. Maybe I'll get to do it on my own, which I would honestly prefer.

'Anyone who doesn't have a pair?' Chai calls out

I sighed softly, raising my hand just barely. I was leaning my head on one of my hands tiredly, with my other arm just resting on the table.

'Perfect. Angel, Jimin, you two will pair up for this. Please, take your things and transfer yourself here, Angel.'

The class fell silent at his announcement, looking between me and Jimin. Jimin and I looked at each other as well, not knowing how to react. The silence is making it even worse.

'Angel, could we get on with it today, please?'

Make me more uncomfortable if you can, please.

I tried to ignore all the staring and Hobi's snickering as I silently took all my things and made my way up to Jimin's desk.

I sat down quietly, moving my chair a bit further away from him. I didn't even need to look at him to see his cheeks matching the colour of his lips.

'Listen up.' Chai started explaining what we need to do. I didn't focus much on it, to be honest. It was hard with dozens of eyes stuck to the back of my head. In general, staring doesn't bother me, but at the moment, I am more conscious of it.

'... start on it today. Finish by Friday. I'll review it and grade you on it.'

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