117: Exes

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You want to be friends again,
I do not have the time for you.
You want to make amends,
but it is something I do not want to do.

Should have never did what you did,
cause you messed up big time.
This is it, this is the end,
should have never did that.

Payback goes both ways,
you cannot pay my trust in dimes.
There is nothing left to say,
except to both say our goodbyes.

Cross my heart and hope to die,
with the ghost of you around the block.
The burden of knowing you were once mine
has turned my heart solid as a rock.

I want the nothing but the best,
do not see me as your enemy.
Just another life's unruly tests,
to see if we can remain strangers with memories.

Let the time heal all,
who we were and what we used to be.
Once we're ready we'll both call,
call it quits and leave.

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