7: Define

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A love so unconditional,
more than I should
without expecting the very minimal.
That is the power of manhood.

Inner strength, an emotional resilience,
the bravevery to say, I am good,
I am human, I am insidious.
That is the power of manhood.

Holier than the branch from olive,
learning everything you could
savoring the value of knowledge.
That is the power of manhood.

Knowing how to provide,
a feeling so damn good,
seeing their faces gleam with pride.
That is the power of manhood.

To recover from the stepbacks
as anyone would.
Aim high, never let your head back.
That is the power of manhood.

Where the uncertainty is fewer
and in bravery I stood,
for a better future
is where I define my manhood.

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