32: Anxious

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Throat clenched in a tight grip,
behind my eyes lies a flood,
unable to escape or drip,
from the blockage, waiting for a thud.

I cannot control these thoughts. And these thoughts cannot control me. Due date, checkmate, class mate, I hate me. These thoughts are in control. And my control is out of reach.

Forehead tenses up in rigid skin,
every muscle tissue a compression,
hard to find, hard to pin,
the culprit of my seasonal depression.

Tangled wires, barb wires around my mind.
making knots in blackness, an answer hard to find.

The pain is gone, the brain clears the fog away
My head played tricks on me, tomorrow is always another day.

Catharsis: 365 days of poetryKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat