100: wondering of what we could have been.

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Quiet nightlife as the world stays still,
it is here the moon made from honey, honeymoon.
Here in the silence thinking with chill,
no one knows me better than you do.

What makes the moon golden,
honey moon made from something rich?
On a beauty scale you are always a ten,
must be the spell of a talented witch.

Dazed on you again and again,
nights like this are made to do over.
No need to overcomplicate or comprehend,
of how you make me high while being sober.

Quiet night as the world lays in stillness,
your touch is my saving grace.
Honey moon save me from this madness,
for myself to save and my worries to erase.

Do you stay awake as well,
sit, pray and talk to nobody?
Would you come with me and tell,
tell me if I could become that somebody?

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