CHAPTER THIRTY-THREE- silly goofy melanie martinez

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it's been twenty billion years since I've updated, hasn't it?
I know. I'm sooooo sorry to the 509 people who read this

(im so proud of myself-)

anyways, so I'm going to try and pick up where I left off, I haven't read mphfpc since I last updated, soooo expect me to forget a heck ton of shit. also, I'm just naturally stupid. Anywho, this might be a short chapter, because I've got other fanfics to work on. (and by that i mean I'm starting a new one, but for Keeper of the Lost Cities, cuz I've recently gotten into that, because it's so great and you should def read it. ALSO read the Kotlc fanfic "Hope" by , cuz its AWESOME

and read my soon to be fanfic as well >:)

anyway, onto the actual chapter!


I was still in my room when I saw a small head poke through the door, followed by golden curls and a small body.

"Claire?" I pulled out one of my earphones, and got up to go see the small girl.

"Hi," she said in her small, high voice.

"Hello," I replied, in my normal person voice. I don't know how to talk to children, don't hate me

"What are you doing?" Claire asked, and I gestured towards my phone, Melanie Martinez softly heard from the unplugged earphone. She nodded slowly, then walked over and pulled herself onto my bed, pink frilly dress and all.

"Can I listen?" she asked, and I took a minute to debate. Melanie had a lot of cuss words, but maybe if I played the clean versions... Whatever, she's like, one of the best music artists in the world, who cares about cuss words. Claire's too sweet to say any of them, anyway.

(Note from future: she'll cuss you out. I should have known.)

I sighed, then handed her an earphone, and put the other one in my ear, listening to the beginning of POWDER, and smiling. I loved that song. Who wouldn't though?

By the time the song was done, Claire was smiling.

"More?" she asked, and I laughed, smiling back at her. Yes. Another Melanie nerd. Yes.

"Of course," I said, turning on Show and Tell for her. We both hummed along, and about four hours later, we had listened to most of Mel's songs, but still had more to go.

I was about to start Dollhouse when someone knocked on the door.

"Whaaaaat?" I yelled, and the door opened.

"Dinner." Enoch said simply, and I stuck my tongue out at him, but got up, cuz I was hungry.

"Alright, c'mon Claire," I said, grabbing her small hand and leading her downstairs. "Let's go eat, okay?" I added, cuz I was actually starving.

Claire smiled, following me downstairs. "Can we listen more when we're done?" she asked sweetly, giving me puppy eyes.

"Sure," I said. Dang it. I felt like a mom again. Red flag, red flag.

Anyways, dinner and cleanup was tragic, due to Olive spilling a whole basket of McDonald's fries, Horace getting ketchup on his favorite suit, and Millard almost drowning while washing the dishes.

Don't ask.

After dinner, me and Claire went back up to my room to listen to some more music- I had more bands to introduce her to.

When we got up there, I realized Olive had followed us up, as well.

"Hello," I said, "Watcha doin'?"

"I wanna listen to music, too," she said simply.

I shrugged. Sure. Might as well. Olive grinned, and I had to compromise by just playing my music without the earphones since I only had one pair that wasn't knotted or broken, but spending time with the two little girls was really fun. We ended up drawing each other for fun, and I taught them multiple Melanie songs, along with a few other artists- Olivia Rodrigo, Owl City, Mother Mother, ya know, all the good stuff. (Don't contradict me.)

Eventually, though, the two girls fell asleep on my bed. I sighed, covering them with a blanket, and still feeling really weird. Like, me, motherly? Hell nah. But I had just been, so whoopee I guess? I don't know.

I ended up falling asleep midway through K-12, snuggled next to the two girls.


anyway, kinda short, but whatever. Just wanted a sweet moment with Y/n and the little girls, and also I kinda needed to collect myself and figure out where I'm at in this story, which I will be doing. Hopefully. Probably.

Yeah, anyway, hope you guys liked the chapter, bye bye <3

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