CHAPTER SIX- arsonist and naked boy

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We asked dad if we could explore the island the next day. He relented after we said we would go with some kids who were native to the island. He gave them ten freaking dollars to take us on a tour. I think he just wanted them to babysit, but whatever dude.

The kids who he paid to watch us were weird. Like, really weird. One of them called himself worm and the other one... I don't remember, to be honest. But they tried to flirt with me, so I chucked some mud at them. Yay! Plus I'm like three feet taller than both of them, and way out of their league. I'm just a baddie, I guess. *Cue dramatic sigh and hair flip*

They led us around, showing us boring stuff and things. Then they said they were the best rappers in the whole island. Now I was scared.

Next they started singing, and they were crappy as hell. "What is this shit?" I muttered, near tears when it ended. Jacob made a disgusted face, but we both politely said it was nice. Which was the worst lie I had probably ever told. Maybe. You never know.

"So, where is the old orphanage?" Jacob asked casually. I think it was casual. Maybe? Whatever.

"Oh, over there." Worm said, pointing off into the... boggy forest? The hell?

"Yeah, you just go down there and like... Through the forest, past the bog, wherever." the other guy said. (Y/n is here so lines change.) What was that thought? (And the fourth was came crumbling down.) Ok, what?

Jacob believed them. It sounded like a trick, but I shrugged and followed him. Whatever I guess. We still going I guess.

"It's so... Boggy." Jacob whined, shuddering at the squelching noise that sounded as he pulled his shoe out of the muck.

"No shit sherlock." I muttered, cringing at the noise. Ew. Why.

We kept walking for a while, then finally found the orphanage. Jacob gasped, and then went inside. Which wasn't the best idea, but I followed him in anyway.

The house was in ruins. Paper strewn across the floor, furniture with dust over it an inch thick. I looked down to see a couple of rats skitter across the floor. Ah, hello my brethren.

Jacob and I looked around for a few minutes until he found a locked chest in a corner of a room that caught his eye. Alrighty then. He attempted to open it by smashing the lock with a rock he had found outside, which was useless.

"I think we can open it if we drop it off the staircase." I gave him a confused look.

"What the hell? I mean like, okay, but what the hell." I helped him drag it over to the edge of the stairs, then we pushed it down. It clattered obnoxiously loudly on the way down, then somehow fell all the way into the basement. I turned on the flashlight on my phone as we went down. Oh yeah, and when I was descending the staircase, I saw a cupboard under it. I was gonna have to check for Harry Potter in there later.

As we entered the basement, I noticed some really weird stuff lining the walls. Shelves full of what looked like pickled animal hearts. Some crazy person lived down here. Oh my God what if this is Snape's potion room in the dungeon- I need to shut up now.

We looked around, then found the chest wide open on the floor, the rusty old lock broken from the fall, pictures spilling out of it onto the dusty floor. Strange pictures. Pictures just like the ones our grandfather had, the few in the matchbox under his bed. The ones he showed Jacob and I, when he was telling his fairy-tale stories. A boy hoisting a rock over his head with one hand, a girl beside him doing the same, smiling widely. A girl levitating a few feet off the ground, a crown on her head. Some clothes, floating in the air, holding a notebook and pencil. A chubby, blonde boy with eyebags glaring angrily and clutching a little man made of clay to his chest. While we were looking, A sudden voice startled me. "Abe?" someone said. Jacob and I turned, and there, at the top of a staircase was a girl. When she saw us, her eyes widened, and she bolted away.

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