CHAPTER TWENTY-ONE- Wakeling and Rookery

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We had made it to an underground subway station, following Melina and her bird that she had on a leash made of string leading the way. I looked around at the people all laying on the floor, wrapped in spare clothes, hiding. This was their bomb shelter. This was all they had. We walked onto the tracks, still following the bird. It was dark, but I saw some light at the end. What was that light there for? Suddenly, it started getting bigger and closer, and I knew what it was. "TRAIN!" I shouted, and everyone slammed against the wall, sucking in their chests as the train screeched and whizzed by in a flash of blinding light.

"What just happened?" Jake asked.

"We crossed into a loop," Emma said, "But what was that light? I've never seen anything like that." I don't know girlie pop.

"Every loop entrance has its quirks," Millard replied.

"Where are we?"

"I'd guess the latter half of the nineteenth century," Millard said, "Prior to 1863 there wasn't an underground system in London at all." Mk smortie.

The pigeon suddenly flew up to a hatch on the ceiling that we had almost walked right past.

"Look," Someone said, "There's a door in the wall there." No shit sherlock.

"There's a combination lock on it," Enoch observed, "Any idea what it could be?"

We tried a few times. A bunch of different numbers. We even tried Enoch's birthday. Why? I don't know.

Suddenly, Miss P glared straight at the pigeon, waddling towards Melina where the pigeon was perched on her shoulder. She wanted to talk to it.

"I think Miss P wants something from your bird," Olive said, "Perhaps the pigeon knows the combination!"

"Make your pigeon talk to our bird!"

Melina set the pigeon by Miss Peregrine, muttering "There's a good girl, Winnie," As she set her down.

It did not go well.

Miss Peregrine and the pigeon were squawking and shrieking, Miss Peregrine was pecking it and whirling it around by the leg, then she slammed it into the wall and it went limp. Miss Peregrine had just almost killed the pigeon.

Miss Peregrine then calmly turned to us and tapped the floor with her foot, three times... then ten times... then five times. Three ten five. The combination.

Then Miss Peregrine picked up the limp pigeon and slammed it into the wall, and it was dead.

"Your ymbrynes a savage!" Melina exclaimed.

"Something wicked's got into her!" Bronwyn exclaimed, "This isn't like Miss Peregrine at all. She's changing. Becoming more animal..." we had to get to Miss Wren, and soon.

A few minutes later we had all gone up a ladder and through the hatch, into a room filled with clothes. Horace's dream.

"What is this place?" I asked.

"It's a disguising room designed to help visiting peculiars blend in with the loop's normals." huh. Nice.

Horace then walked over to a sign on the wall that said something about a carnival.

"It seems we're going to a carnival," I said.

"I've heard of this place," Horace said, "It's an old tourist loop!"

"What's a tourist loop?" I asked.

"They are loops placed strategically at times and locations of historical import." replied Millard. I don't have a clue what he said, but ok.

We all ended up trying on the outfits, trying to look like the loop's normals. I put on a knee-length dress that was slightly weathered and forest-green, with a button-up collar and a brown bow around the waist. I slipped on some brown slip-on old looking shoes. I hoped they would help me blend in. If not, then too bad.

"How will we know where to go?"

"Where would Miss Wren be hiding?"

"If only someone hadn't murdered the pigeon!"

I sighed and put a small brown sweater over my dress, smiling in satisfaction at how I looked in the mirror.

"Hullo," a voice said and I jumped. "You look nice."

"Thanks Mill," I replied, smiling. "I assume you'll have to go nude for this trip?" I asked. Millard sighed.

"Yes, sadly, and I did like that suit." I assumed he pointed toward a suit, but I wasn't sure cuz I couldn't see his arm.

"It's alright," I replied, "We can always steal it on the way out," Millard gasped.

"Steal peculiar property that's been here for centuries and is a piece of history?!" He said dramatically, "I mean, sure if you want to." I laughed, bumping his shoulder playfully. I assume it was his shoulder.

"You'll live, buddy."

After that we went out into the loop. It was a carnival, and it looked like every carnival in a movie ever. A big red and white striped tent, a ferris wheel, people eating popcorn and cotton candy crowding the streets, snake charmers, clowns, you name it, they had it. Nothing really seemed to impress any of the peculiars, though, and some of it I could tell was fake. Emma said the snake charmer might be peculiar, though, because speaking to snakes was a peculiarity. Oh my God. So peculiars can speak Parseltongue?! I love this.

There were more attractions, too. A man who had a bunch of pins and needles sticking out of his body, a bearded lady, some dude with a bunch of tattoos, some weird people covering in match boxes, and a very flexible dude. None of them showed any sign of knowing who Miss Wren was when we asked, though, sadly.

We kept looking. At the sideshow, and even managed to sneak backstage after Emma showed off with a bit of fire. Suddenly, I heard someone whisper behind me, and I turned. A normal-looking boy with a bored expression peered out from behind a curtain.

"Wotsa trouble?" he asked, "Show not to your liking?" I raised an eyebrow.

"It was... Fine." I replied warily.

"Not peculiar enough for you?"

My heart skipped a beat. "What did you say?" he pointed down the road, "Wakeling and Rookery. That's where the real show's at."

"Well that was mysterious." Hugh said.

"Very," I agreed.

We set off where he had pointed, looking for Wakeling and Rookery, but were at a loss with what we found. Two streets, Wakeling street and Rookery street, pointing in two different directions. But we found it eventually. A giant house covered in ice is hard to miss.


Hi hello! I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter. I MIGHT be going on a trip tomorrow, and if I do I won't be able to update, but I will write and have chapters ready for you when I get back. Key word, MIGHT be going on a trip. I'm not sure yet, but I promise to have lots ready when I get back <33

I hope you guys liked the chapters for today, I will probably be spending the rest of my saturday playing Royale High and being on my phone lol. Anywho, buh-bye loves, have a good day.

*I'm craving McDonalds rn, anyone else? Like seriously, gimme a Dr. Pepper, three Big Macs, and a large fry. Did you know the record on how many big macs eaten in a lifetime is over 28,000? And you can eat up to 412 chicken nuggets but you'll be paralyzed if you eat 413! Sorry, I'll shut up now- bYE!*

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