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Elsa's ice palace. I swore to God I was looking straight at it. Which was quite strange, but cool. I was entranced by the place, and normals walked by, not even acknowledging the strange place right in front of them. Which was weird. Where they used to it? I don't know.

"Do you think Miss Wren is really inside?" Bronwyn asked, biting her lip in worry.

"She has to be." Emma said.

Olive walked out into the middle of the street, her face full of worry and her eyes watering. We had made it so far, but we had no idea how to get into this ice palace. Not even Emma could melt it. I could try and manipulate the ice into melting, but even with the two of us I wasn't sure we could do it in time. Miss Peregrine was quickly losing humanity, and we were all scared we would never get her back, and all this would be for nothing. Nothing at all.

Olive turned toward the house then shouted, "HELLO, MISS WREN! IF YOU'RE IN THERE, PLEASE COME OUT! WE NEED YOUR-" Bronywn grabbed her and covered her mouth with her hands. Normals were giving us weird looks as they passed by.

"Mmph!" Olive said.

"You're going to get us all found out!" Bronwyn exclaimed, her eyebrows creased with worry.

"What does it matter?" Olive said, her voice shaking and tears leaking from her eyes, "If we can't save Miss P... What does it matter if the whole wight army finds us?" she burst into tears.

"Is she all right?" Emma said worriedly.

"Nothings alright!" Olive exclaimed, "All we ever wanted was to live in peace! Then bad things came and hurt our headmistress, now all we want to do is help her!" Olive sniffed, "But we can't even do that!" Suddenly, something unexpected happened.

A woman with a cane and a hood covering her face walked over, smiling slightly. "Well then," she said. "It's an awfully good thing you came to see me." then her clothes crumpled and her cane fell to the ground, and out hopped a bird. A small, brown bird. A wren. We had found her.

"I believe that's Miss Wren," Millard said.

The bird- Miss Wren- flew up and around the building, and we followed after.

"Don't lose her!" Emma exclaimed.

She flew down a cracked-open hatch in the ground outside the back of the house, and we sprinted after her.

"There! The cellar!"

Jacob opened the cellar, and we peered down into the darkness. Emma gasped.

"The ice blocking the way..." she said, "There's a path now!" We all descended the steps into the cellar.

"Be careful- everything is slippery." Emma said.

At the bottom of the steps there was a tunnel in the ice, and Miss Wren was standing there in her cloak once again.

"Hello children," she said. "I am Balenciaga Wren, and I'm so pleased you are here. You must come inside at once- it isn't safe out there."

We all crowded into the hall. It was so cold I shivered and pulled my sweater tighter around me, then wondered how bad this must be for poor naked Millard, so I pulled off my sweater and felt around until I found him, then gave it to him.

"Really?" he asked, hopeful.

"Yeah. I was thinking about how cold you must be in here, since, you know..." he chuckled.

"Thanks Y/n."

"No problem!" I said, smiling in response and laughing. I was happy for multiple reasons now. We had found Miss Wren, and I felt that maybe it would be alright. Maybe we would heal Miss Peregrine and... I didn't know what we would do after that. I hadn't thought about it. Would the adventure really end here? Would Jacob and I have to go back to our normal, boring life, live in our friendless town filled with bad memories. I didn't want to go back there. At least not so soon.

We followed Miss Wren through the icy hall, and I saw frozen people in the walls. A wight pointing a gun at a man crumpled in a corner, hands up in surrender, the horrified look on his face frozen in time, all his pain and suffering just... frozen. Dead. Gone. But the memory of him would always haunt anyone who entered the house.

"Althea!" Miss Wren called, and I looked up to see a girl with circle-shaped glasses, long, brown hair that went down to her ankles, and a neutral expression on her face so you could never tell what she was thinking.

"These are Miss Peregrine's wards," Miss Wren said.

"Have they brought any food with them?" she said blankly, "Or medicine? Or anything useful at all." Okay ouch girlie.

"No more questions until you've closed up," Miss Wren said. "Quick now!"

"Yes, mistress," Althea said, walking past us and down the hall, touching the wall and resealing the entrance with more ice. Oh my God, Elsa, is that you?

We walked on for another few minutes, up a few floors and into a room with no ice, the walls wooden and the room seemingly undamaged and cut off from the rest of the house. I sat down on the floor. The others began talking with Miss Wren, but I was off in my own little world. I slipped out of the room and walked back down the hall, hoping none of them realized I was gone. On the way back down I accidentally bumped into Althea.

"I'm so sorry!" I apologized, reaching down to help her up. She took my hand and stood.

"It's alright,'' she replied," I decided to start a conversation with her, hoping maybe I could make a new friend.

"So, you made this place?" I asked, gesturing toward the ice on the walls. She nodded.

"Yes," she replied dully.

"It's really amazing! Your peculiarity is quite powerful," I said, hoping her mood would change.

"Thank you," she replied, but I was determined to get some emotion out of her.

"I love your hair," I said, which was true- I did. It was a pretty, rich brown color, like chocolate, and was wavy and glistened as it fell down her back. She seemed surprised at this comment.

"T-thank you." She said, "No one's ever said that before." I smiled.

"No problem!"

We talked for around another half-hour, and I didn't see the others until Horace came to tell me that Miss Peregrine was about to change. I got up and went with him, Althea following behind. She was actually a really nice girl, and she had a passionate interest in writing, and I told her that maybe we could write a book together someday. I was happy I had made a new friend.

Little did I know how near death that new friend would come.


ANOTHER CHAPTER?! I shouldn't have. But I did. Hehehe.

Seriously, Althea was a good character.
#NotcoolRansomRiggs #JusticeforAlthea #GoElsagirl

AnYwAy, buh bye loves <333

*Yes, Althea is a love interest. ily her sm<333

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