CHAPTER ELEVEN- the two Victor Bruntleys

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When I woke up I found that I was, in fact, not awake. I couldn't see a thing and my eyes were covered with a cloth that smelled like shit. Although I felt quite sexy. Don't ask why.

"Whoever did this, I will choke you!" I threatened, then jumped at a voice coming from beside me.

"Jokes on you, I'm into that shit."

Now I felt sexy and uncomfortable. And sexually uncomfortable. Just overall wanna go home.

"Can ya lemme go, please?" I asked.

"Sure! Sorry for the blindfold and stuff, I just wanted to feel professional." the voice said- a boy's voice.

When the blindfold was pulled off, I was blinded by a bright light, and when my eyes got used to it, I saw a boy standing in front of me with a crooked smile, bright, ocean blue eyes, and had a slight resemblance to Bronwyn.

"Victor?" I asked, remembering suddenly that he was an exact replica of the boy in the bed back at Miss Peregrine's loop, Victor Bruntley, Bronwyn's dead brother.

"That's me!" he said proudly, smiling in a way that was both friendly and comforting, but also unusual.

"But you're..."

"Dead?" He said. "Yeah, I know, but I've managed to get a few minutes to talk to you, so I've got to use it. Down to business." he said, sitting down in a chair across from mine that I hadn't realized was there until now. This was hella weird.

"Ok, what business?"

"Business business!"

I gave him a confused look and raised an eyebrow, but he ignored it and kept on talking.

"I'm here to warn you, and to prepare you. Your peculiarity is quite a strange one, even in other peculiars opinions. It isn't just normal mind manipulation or telekinesis, but the ability to bend anything and everything to your will. In the wrong hands, this could go terribly. You can either destroy everything, or you can fix it. You'll have to choose, Y/n. Whose side are you on? What are you going to use your abilities for? I'm here to help you choose the right way. Others may try to turn you away from me. From yourself. Don't fall for it. You need to be ready, Y/n. Please choose the right thing." As he finished, I bit my lip and thought for a moment.

"So I can either save the world, or destroy it, is what you're saying?" I asked. Victor nodded soberly. "Oh." I hadn't realized I could do that. I hadn't realized any of this. And I was, admittedly, scared.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, a loud ringing sound rang out, and I covered my ears and winced.

"Shit... Out of time." Victor muttered, turning to me. "Someone else booked a few minutes with you, Y/n, don't let him sway you. Don't let him-" then Victor's voice was cut short, and everything was dark once again.

"Hello?" I asked no one in particular.

"Hi." someone answered, and I jumped.

"Please let me wake up."


"Screw you."

I sat silently for a moment, before giving and reaching up to touch my face, pulling a blindfold off. How irritating. When it was gone, I saw mostly darkness, and a person. A person standing right in front of me, around five feet tall, his arms crossed, glaring. He was a small, pudgy boy, kind of like Enoch, but this kid somehow looked meaner.

"Look, I'm here to help," he said. "Please don't tell me you're as stupid as some other people I know."

I dismissed the insult, and responded. "I'm Y/n, and I'd like to know why you kidnapped me." he rolled his eyes, and I noticed that they were gray-ish blue, sort of a pretty color, like clouds on a rainy day. He also had big, gray wings sticking out of his back. Well that's weird.

"Look, I'm only here to tell you not to listen to Victor. He isn't the real Victor. The real Victor is me." I shook my head.


"Look, I can prove it." he said, then reached out and picked up the chair I was sitting on.

"I don't believe you. Maybe I do? I don't know." This was getting complicated. I didn't know who to believe.

"Look, they forced me to look like this. I can change back, I promise. Once I figure out how. That other guy isn't me. He's Dr. Golan in disguise."

"But he's dead?"

"So is everyone here."

"Alright. Say I believe you. What can I do to help?" I asked, still wary of this kid.

"Just don't fully trust him. Please." the kid pleaded. I nodded.

"Alright. I won't put my complete trust in him. But if you lie, you're going to die a second time." I said. He nodded.

"Thank you."

Then another bloody ringing shrieked through my ears, practically making them bleed, and a lightning bolt struck the ground just in front of me, and everything dissolved into nothing at all.


I hope you enjoyed the chapter, loves, I am really enjoying writing this for you all. Please remember that Victor Bruntley is in the love interests list- whichever the real one is. Anyway, I'll probably post again later, I'm feeling good about this. I hope you appreciate the drawing at the top, it's not very good but I have some better ones. ily and goodbye <333

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