CHAPTER TWENTY-THREE- Let the Games begin

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As it turns out I had missed a lot. As usual. Apparently the wights had figured out a way to extract peculiars second souls, which was all just lovely! Wouldn't you say? I hope you guys know what sarcasm is. Who am I kidding? You guys? These are my thoughts, it's not like anyone's reading them! Right? You know what, whatever, let's get back to what's happening. So the wights now know how to extract our second souls, but we're about to get Miss Peregrine back so yay. Miss Wren was sorta beating up Miss P right now saying stuff like, "Come back to us, Alma, my sister," and weird shit like that. I was just standing off to the side with Althea, wondering if this was going to work. The others were egging her on, but she held up a finger and asked for silence so they shut up almost immediately.

"It's about to happen!" someone said, and Althea grabbed a sheet and took it over to where Miss Wren was attempting to get Miss P back and held it up. My heart was beating a mile a minute as I hoped that Miss Wren could do it. Hoped against hope that she would bring Miss Peregrine back.

Suddenly, Althea dropped the sheet and gasped, stepping backward and my breath hitched in my throat. Something had gone wrong. I looked behind the crumpled sheet to see a person- not Miss Peregrine at all- crouched on the ground. It was a man- a small man- his hands on his head, shaking. This was definitely not Miss P.

"No! This can't be!" Miss Wren exclaimed, stepping backward. Who the hell was this guy?

"Is that Miss Peregrine?" Olive asked, "She came out funny," but a minute later, even Olive knew this was not our beloved headmistress. The man looked up, staring at all of us with blank, milky white eyes. A wight.

Who are you?!" Emma shouted, "What have you done with Miss Peregrine?!" her hand was aflame, and she was glaring at the man on the ground.

"My name is Caul," he said, stretching his limbs and cracking his knuckles. The name rang in my ears, like I had heard it at some point, long ago, or would hear it again, "And you are all my prisoners now," the dude said. I swear to God, the audacity of this guy.

"Where is Miss Peregrine?!" Emma demanded.

"Oh don't worry," Caul replied, "She's safely in our custody. We kidnapped her days ago, on your island." Wait what-

He went on to stretch his limbs and reply casually to all questions, threats, profanity, et cetera. He said he attacked the menagerie and killed all the animals- which meant he had Fiona and Claire. My poor friends. Just another thing stolen from us by the wights. I gritted my teeth and glared in a deadly way in Caul's direction. I could have sworn I saw a hint of blue-gray in his eyes at one point. 'A pretty color, like clouds on a rainy day.' I gasped then slapped a hand over my mouth, hoping no one had heard.

I was positive now. This was the dead boy who claimed to be Victor Bruntley- yet I still wasn't sure if that boy was lying. If his future self was still alive, how was he dead? Nothing made sense at all.

"Now, for the sake of these children," Caul exclaimed, "Can someone get me some pants?!"

Miss Wren sighed, "Althea, fetch man some damned trousers," she said irritably. Lmao what.

And so Althea got Caul some pants and chucked them at him. But as soon as he put them on he grabbed her and held a sharp icicle to her throat.

"Althea!" I shouted, not cool buddy.

"Stay back or I drive this icicle through her jugular!" Caul said in a menacing tone. What's a jugular? Probably her throat. Oh no.

"These are my demands-" Caul started, but was cut off as Althea jumped free, tackling him to the floor and immediately freezing his legs. She kept her hands on the ice to make sure he did not escape and the ice did not melt.

"Stop!" Caul shrieked, then stretched out and grabbed the icicle. I knew what he was going to do. I jumped toward him and held out my hand, manipulating the icicle to fly into my outstretched hand.

"Not today, buster." I said, glaring. He glared back with his blank, white eyes.

Suddenly, the whole house shook and chunks of ice began raining down. Althea jumped up and I grabbed her arm and pulled her away from Caul.

"You thought you could stop us by just saving the girl?" He said, sneering, "It had been written down in history that she died today, but that girl-" he pointed to me, "saved her. That girl isn't even supposed to be here. She never was. But for anything of this to go on, the fortress must fall."

And it did. Ice crumbling around us, melting, as though a giant flame was scorching it. I didn't understand what he meant by 'I wasn't supposed to be here,' and 'Althea was supposed to die,' but I didn't want to understand, either. But right now I was attempting to manipulate the ice to stay away from me and my friends, throwing it away and using up all my strength to do so. But they still got in. The wights.

They had guns and glasses, as usual, all pointed at us. And all of the sudden, the ice stopped falling. "Take them away," Caul ordered the wights, "And don't be gentle!"

All of us were pushed through crowds of people and out of the loop into present day London. I glared at the wights with guns pointed at us.

We passed by normal kids going about their everyday activity, and how I envied those kids right now. Suddenly, the folding man made a break for it. I hadn't even realized he was there. So was the clown from the circus, the normal looking boy, the snake charmer, and a few others.

The wights immediately shot at the escaping folding man, and he fell to the ground. I noticed Emma's hands a light with flame, and I knew what she was going to do. She was gonna make a break for it. Suddenly, she burned the man who had been holding her captive, and I knew I had to help her. I used the last of my strength into manipulating him to stay on the ground and Jacob elbowed his captor and got free.

I was barely conscious now, holding onto the last bit of it to help my brother and his girlfriend escape. They would come back for us, I knew it. I could barely see them running now. Away. Far away I touched my three middle fingers to my lips and then held them up, the Hunger Games goodbye sign. Farewell to a loved one. We both loved the Hunger Games. He only ever watched the movies- but we always jokingly did the goodbye sign whenever we were leaving for somewhere. No one except us ever got the joke. It was just ours.

And now I wasn't sure if I'd ever see my little brother again. I opened my eyes slightly- the best I could do when I was so weak for having used up so much of my power. I just barely caught a glimpse of Jacob holding up the same three fingers I had and mouthing something.

"May the odds be ever in your favor," and I knew that I would need those odds. We all would if we ever wanted to be together again. Alive and whole.

"Let the Games begin," I muttered back.

May the games begin.

The last thing I heard before I slipped from consciousness was a piercing shriek. It somehow signaled what we had said. Let the games begin.


Enjoy the chapter loves, and let the games begin<3333

mwahaha I love the hunger games.

Anyway, I will be going out of town for about a week so I won't be updating, so this will be the last chapter for a while. BUT I will be writing while I'm away so I will update everything I've written when I get back. Btw I love the sibling relationship for Y/n and Jacob- I should totally write more on it lol. I'm currently hoping I get snow this Christmas Eve bcoz theres a chance of it for me- I apologize if you don't celebrate xmas but I do<33 merry xmas loser <3

Bye for now, and let the games begin.

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