CHAPTER SIXTEEN- the prophecy

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The platform outside the train was jam-packed with people. We squeezed our way out in a group, and I was squashed next to Millard as I hoped desperately that no one would notice the air that was pushing past them.

"God dammit Millard, stop pushing people!" I hissed.

"But they're in my way!" he complained. I rolled my eyes at this.

"Suffer some slight pain from people stepping on your toes for the greater good, buddy."


At this I just gave up. It was pointless anyway. We pushed our way through the crowd and to a phone booth near the edge, hoping to get a call in to one of the ymbrynes, if there were any left.

We kept trying and failing for a while, me, Millard, and a few others all crammed into the phone booth so that we could barely breathe. :sob: Anyway, Millard got out some really enormous phone-book thing with all the numbers of all the people in all of London. Oh my Gawd.

We didn't end up getting through to any of them, which worried me, because that meant there might not be any left. After a few minutes more, we gave up. Suddenly, someone did something stupid, and some guy started chasing us. Which was shitty. Then more and more of the adults on the platform began chasing after us, and it was a free-for-all. I was worried that one of my friends would end up killing one of them, but thankfully no one did. I scanned the crowd, hoping that none of the adults were wights, but I caught a man with a gun strapped to his belt looking our way, and I knew that we were screwed if he got any nearer to us.

"Run." I hissed to the person nearest me, which happened to be Jacob, and we all sprinted out of that place like the freaking flash. We ran for a while, dodging bombed building and rubble, sprinting down alleyways and across busy streets, hoping to throw anyone chasing us off our tail.

When we finally reached a place that seemed semi-safe, a dark, smelly alleyway, Millard began prattling about punishment loops, and pigeons, and everything in between. I barely caught any of it as my thoughts were swirling and my breathing was ragged, and I didn't have a clue what was happening. Suddenly, I fell over and the lights flickered out.

"Y/n?" I heard a faint whisper, and my eyes blinked open. But I wasn't in the alleyway with my friends anymore. I was sitting in the middle of complete darkness, a void stretching on for miles around. I couldn't see anything except my body, glowing iridescent in its own little bit of light. I stood up, looking around and realizing my lit area could illuminate a few steps ahead of me when I walked. I tried to call out, to say something, but no words came out of my mouth, as if my lungs had just stopped working. Suddenly, I tripped over something in the ground. I looked down and my breath hitched in my throat at what I saw. A headstone. Multiple headstones. All around me, going on for as far as I could see. I bent down to examine the one right by me, and let out a hitched sob when I saw the name engraved in it.

Jacob Megellan Portman

No. Nonononono. I wiped some dirt and grime off of the headstone and bit my lip. When had this gotten here? How had he died? I observed other headstones, with names I did and did not recognize. Enoch O'Connor. Emma Bloom. What had happened to my friends?

Then I saw a strange one, with a name I did not know. Noor Pradesh. Another, Heather Wellstone. What was this? Then I saw a person, a person I slightly recognized, but didn't quite, holding a bouquet of flowers over my brother's grave.

"I'm so sorry Jacob..." the person said in a weathered, wispy voice. Slightly here, but slightly somewhere else. She bent down and placed the flowers in front of the headstone.

"I could have saved you... I'm so sorry... This is all my fault. Hell, I could have saved all of you..." Tears streamed down the person's face, which I know realized was feminine, and a burst of sudden recognition dawned on me. That was me. But older, by a decade or so. All my friends... They were dead. But how? What had happened to them, and how did I survive it? I didn't understand this at all. Suddenly, the woman- my future self, looked straight at me.

"Y/n. Past me." she whispered. I suddenly knew that she didn't see me, only knew I was there. Some instinct. "I know you're here. This is the exact moment I saw when I was you. All our friends... They're dead in my world. But you can save them in yours. I don't know how... All the Y/n's before you have failed, myself included, but I know that you can beat him. Jack. Caul. Kill him. Help her. Save them. Please. You can't become like me, old and withered, and alone. You'll have a brighter future. Just don't listen to the strong one... Either of them. The real one is somewhere else. Somewhere, hiding. Please, listen to me." Then the older version of me stopped talking abruptly, her eyes glazed over, staring straight at me. She tilted her head back and began to recite something, as thought she had done it a thousand times.

"The strong one lies, the winged bird,

Rose from the ground, evils unheard,

Withered destruction from the earth,

Death himself had second birth,

The tongue of one you know, quite dear,

At my words you must adhere,

Do not fall for their awful lies,

Don't listen to the baby's cries,

The light eater, so strong, so dear,

Has lived so long in eternal fear,

Keep this oath to your last breath,

Stare straight in the eyes of the man who is death."

And suddenly, she was gone. Just like that, everything around me was disappearing. My future self, the gravestones, everything. And the prophecy kept on repeating in my head, the accursed words that would haunt me for so long.


Here's another chapter, I hope you guys enjoyed it! ily and I'll post more tomorrow or later, sorry I haven't been doing pictures, my drawings are crappy so I might switch to memes instead <33

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