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That night I didn't sleep, couldn't sleep. In the end I got up, grabbed my headphones and phone and crawled out my window climbing up to the roof. I put on my headphones and began playing Vanilla Twilight by Owl City, one of my favorite songs. I hummed along, happy that I could listen to music on my phone again. Beautiful, amazing music, my therapy. I stared up at the stars, trying to name the constellations I had learned about in seventh grade, when my science teacher chose astronomy for our semester project.

The music filled my ears as I sat and stared up at the beautiful night sky, the cool breeze making the night only a bit crisp. The song ended and I immediately restarted it out of love for the song. Some music you just need.

I began singing some of the lyrics quietly, just because. I didn't have a half-bad singing voice, but I rarely ever sang for anyone.

"The stars lean down to kiss you,

And I lie awake and miss you,

Pour me a heavy dose of atmosphere,

'Cause I'll doze off safe and soundly,

But I'll miss your arms around me,

I'd send a post care do you dear,

'Cause darling I wish you were here." I smiled in spite of having trouble sleeping. Maybe I'll be a full-time insomniac and do this every night. It was calming, just laying on the roof-top all by myself listening to music and staring up at the stars. I ended up falling asleep up there, laying on the rooftop listening to music, wishing I could do that every night.

I woke up to someone kicking me, which wasn't very pleasant. "What do you want, Enoch?" I knew it was him since he was the only one impolite enough to kick me awake.

"Everyone's looking for you..." he replied, "Damn idiots thought you got kidnapped or something. Jacob and Millard are frantic."

"Tell them I'm comfy up here,"


"But I am."

"I don't give a shit,"

"Language, young man!"

"Make me, bitch."

"Fine then," I suddenly jumped up and grabbed Enoch, lifting him up and throwing him over my shoulder, grinning.

"Let me down you asshole!" he shouted.

"Stop swearing!"
"But you swear all the time,"
"That's not the bloody point!"

I sighed and climbed back through my window and into my room, depositing Enoch outside of it as he glared up at me and I grinned back. I'm such an amazing person. Maybe I should lay face-down on the floor later and hope no one trips on me!
I bounded down the stairs and found the living room in complete and utter disarray.

"I found her!" Enoch shouted from the top of the stairs, and I ducked as a wrench flew past me and hit Enoch square in the face. I snorted and covered up a smile with a cough. "Alright, who threw that?" Enoch asked, death-glaring the other kids in the living room, who all immediately pointed to Hugh.

"Are you kidding me?" he asked. Damn, they kinda just snitched on you buddy.

"You should run," I advised him, and he sprinted out of the room, Enoch shouting profanities and running after him. I have such amazing friends.

Anyway, after a few minutes Emma went off to rescue Hugh and Jacob told me I had missed breakfast, which sucked, so I waltzed into the kitchen to attempt to make something or other for me to eat.

I ended up making myself a PB&J, and had sat down at the empty-and quite messy- table to eat.

"Hullo," someone said and I jumped and turned, looking around for the source of the voice. When I saw nothing, I realized I should probably note that one of my friends was invisible and usually walked around in the nude.

"Hello, Mill." I said, and a chair beside me pulled itself back and I heard someone sit down in it.

"I was thinking," Millard said, "Now that we've defeated the wights, I mean, what else are we supposed to do? Are we going to go back to our loops and hide away from normals forever? Is Miss Peregrine going to make us a new loop? And what'll happen to you and Jacob?" I set down my sandwich for a minute, wondering why none of this had ever crossed my mind before. What were we supposed to do? Would I be forced to stay with my family that thought Jacob and I were insane? I bit my lip, thinking this all over.

I didn't want to, that was for sure, and I hoped Miss Peregrine wouldn't make me 'for my own good,' or something.

"All I know is I don't want to stay here." I said, my tone serious as I stared down at my sandwich, hoping that I could go back to living with the peculiars. My friends. My real family.

"I understand," Millard said after a moment, "That you don't want to stay here. But it's your home. You grew up here. You have parents who love you, and I'm sure you have friends here." I laughed dryly.

"I don't have any friends here. It's just some old town filled with bad memories, for me. I want to stay with you guys, go back and live in Devil's Acre. I don't care if it's only some run-down town filled with beggars and ambrosia-addicts. I'd still rather be there than living a boring life elsewhere while still knowing it all existed. It would drive me mad, Mill."

"Truly mad?"

I nodded, "I'd be in an asylum within a week," I said, laughing dryly again.

"Then I'll convince her to let you stay," I perked up.

"You would do that?"

"Of course I would. We're friends. That's what friends are for." I could feel him giving me a small smile, and I smiled back. That's what friends are for. Thank you, Mill.

Suddenly, I kissed him. Not a reason, just an instinct. Honestly surprised I found his lips. I didn't know why, but it felt like the right thing to do. Just in that moment.

The kiss made me feel warm and nice. Like flowers blooming after a lovely rain shower. I still didn't know why I had done it, but like I said before, it just felt right.

I pulled away a minute later, my entire face red. Stupid, stupid Y/n! You probably made him feel awkward!
"I'm sorry I just-" I began. He laughed.

"What was that for?"

"I don't know- I guess- maybe a reason you would want me to stick around?" he chuckled.




I would absolutely die, anyone else?

So yes, you got to kiss THE MILLARD NULLINGS. A dream come true. Thank me later. Anyway, I hope you all have a merry christmas!!

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