CHAPTER SEVEN- bath mats and balloons

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And that was the day everything changed. And I mean everything. These people- peculiars- were just like our grandfather, and later, I discovered, just like us. They had strange powers, like Millard's invisibility. Emma could bend and control flames, Enoch the prick could raise the dead, Horace could project his dreams, and sometimes dreamt about the future, Olive could levitate and had to wear leaden shoes to keep herself from floating away, Claire had a mouth in the back of her head, Bronwyn could lift almost any weight- her dead brother, Victor, had also been able to. Hugh had thousands of bees in his stomach, which was kinda weird, and Fiona could control and grow plants, cool. Now, down to the epic stuff. My peculiarity. It's sorta weird, but also awesome.

I have one power split into multiple powers. I can manipulate people, inanimate objects, et cetera to my will. Which also means I kinda have telekinesis, if you think about it. I didn't know I had this power until I met Miss Peregrine, but all throughout my childhood I had a talent for getting my way. Once I discovered my power, I was afraid of myself. I didn't know if I could control it or not. What if I accidentally manipulated someone without meaning to? I didn't want to. I didn't want to accidentally force someone to be my friend. But I've learned how to control my peculiarity better since then. So thankfully that was sorted out. I guess.

I looked out over the waves as our little boat rowed further and further from the island. The island my friends had called home for so long. I knew how hard it must be for most of them to let it go. I let go of my oar just long enough to look down at my hands, bloody and scratched from rowing for so long.

"How much further to the mainland?" Jacob asked Emma. I hoped it wasn't too far.

"Eight and a half kilometers." she responded. Well. I guess I'll just die then.

"So long, loop." I heard Enoch mutter from beside me. I guess even he might miss it. We all would. For almost a week now it had been a second home to Jacob and I, but stupid Dr. Golan had turned out to be a wight, and had a hollowgast named Malthus with him. I didn't know what hollowgasts looked like, since only Jacob could see them. He killed this one, though, and shot Golan. To be fair, Dr. Gollum deserved it. He shot Millard, which was quite unforgivable in my opinion. He had captured Miss Avocet, and almost Miss Peregrine, too, but we had saved her.

Suddenly, fog started closing in around our little boat. I looked around. I could barely see Enoch, right in front of me, and definitely couldn't see Hugh at the front of the boat.

"I don't like this!" I heard Bronwyn shout from somewhere to the left, "If we take too long, it'll be nightfall by the time we reach the mainland."

We were in broad daylight now, which meant the wights would probably wait until nightfall to attack from underneath in one of their submarines. Oh.

"LOOK OUT!" I suddenly heard Olive's small voice shriek as a wave crashed over us. Salt water got into my eyes, mouth, and nose as I coughed, then grabbed Enoch by the waist to stop him falling overboard. We were all drenched and soaked to the bone when we could see again.

"Over there!" Horace shouted, "Bronwyn and Olive's boat!" I looked and gasped, Bronwyn's boat was completely flipped over, and she was clinging to the hull for dear life. Jacob and I quickly rowed toward her.

"Where's Olive?" someone said.

"She's up there! The rope!"

Bronwyn made it up on top of her boat, then grabbed the rope that was still, thankfully, tied to it. She then reeled Olive down.

"BRONWYN!" Olive shouted, hugging her.

"We ain't out of danger yet. We still gotta reach the mainland by nightfall." Bronwyn said.

"I know where it is!" Olive exclaimed. "I saw it when I was up there! Reel me back up!"

"Are you certain?" Emma asked, a worried look plastered on her face. "It's dangerous. What if a wind catches you, or the rope snaps?" Olive's face turned stony and she repeated,

"Reel me up."

"You're the bravest little girl I ever knew!" Bronwyn said, and hugged Olive tightly before we reeled her up again.

An hour or so later, we were all lying on the rocky shore of the mainland.

"Hallelujah!" I said, wondering how kissing the ground would be, since people always did it in movies. I tried it. It tasted like shit.

Olive was shivering, Horace was sitting with his knees to his chest, eyes wide, and Bronwyn was lying on her back on the sandy ground.

"What do we have left?" Jacob asked. "We lost a lot in the waves."

"No shit sherlock." I muttered. Claire and Olive covered their ears. Oops. I forgot I couldn't say shit around the little bastards.

Millard, Hugh, and Jacob got up to go see what was left. Only Bronwyn's unsinkable trunk and a little bit of food remained. That sucks.

I got up to go look, peering over Enoch's shoulder into the trunk. Inside were the Tales of The Peculiar and... a rug?

"Oh thank heavens," he said sarcastically, "Someone remembered the bath mat." Horace looked quite offended at this.

"Wait!" Millard exclaimed, "The map of days is gone too! What good are any of these things if we can't even find our way?!" Rip Millard I guess.

But find our way where? We had only ever planned how we were going to reach the mainland. After that... I didn't have a clue what we were to do.

Around us was the beach, behind us were the churning waves, in front of us was an untold wilderness. But it was then, I realized, that we didn't need a map. Or a signpost. Or anything else. We needed Miss Peregrine, whole and healthy.

Emma had sent Horace and Fiona to look for firewood, and they had just returned.

"There's no wood for fire anywhere!" Horace exclaimed.

"Did you try checking, oh, I don't know, the woods?" I asked. Horace glared.

"Too scary." He said. "But we found something else. Balloons." I gave him a quizzical look.

"Show us." Emma said.

Horace led us to a patch of brush where, looking out from it, you could see large blimps floating in the air.

"They're submarine hunters." someone muttered, "The best way to spot enemy subs is from the sky."

Oh, glory.


sorry, this chapter is sorta late, cuz I forgot to post it yesterday. But here you go loves <333

I'm sorry for any mistakes, I sorta don't have the books to reference from, but I'm trying my hardest to remember lines and things. Thank you for your understanding <3 have a lovely day.

*I might do some random preferences instead of a chapter next, just because. Like scenarios, imagines, et cetera. How it would be like to be in a relationship with each peculiar, you know? But it would be totally un-related to the plot and shit. So yeah. Bye <3

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