CHAPTER ONE - annoying brothers and nerf-gun battles

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"YOU SON OF A-" I yelled, tackling my slightly- younger twin brother. Little Jacob shrieked and tried to wriggle out of my grip, but I was stronger. "Give it back!" I said, grabbing at the miniature nerf-gun in his hand.

"NEVERRR!!" He shouted, suddenly pulling away and Naruto-running off. I smirked, then ran to the closet in the hallway. Jake was about to get beat.

I waddled to the cracked-open closet door, reaching up slightly and turning the knob to pull the door open fully. I smirked to myself, pushing my way past dusty old brooms and vacuum cleaners to the very back, the final resting place of the nerf-gun of horror. Ok, not the final resting place. Anyway, I picked it up. The biggest, scariest nerf-gun ever, which I had gotten for Christmas a year or so ago when it had been taken away because I almost shot Jacob's eye out. Oh, lovely memories! I snatched the nerf-gun and sprinted away.

"PREPARE TO DIEEE!!" I shouted, running into the backyard. Jacob looked up in terror from where he had been hiding behind a flower pot. What is wrong with that kid? Anywho, he then sprinted off and so I shot him in the butt with my nerf-gun like any sane human would do. For real though. I kept chasing Jacob around while he ran, screeching and dodging bullets while I cackled. My, what an insane child I just happened to be.

Finally, our dad came out. His name's Frank Portman. I stopped shooting at Jacob, and he stood still.

"Heeyy daad-" I said shakily. He glared. I was already dead, and I knew it.


"Revenge." I said sinisterly.

Then he laughed. He laughed. Ha, you're a loser Jacob. Well, I wasn't in trouble, so that was good. I was only seven, anyway!

"OOOh you're in troubleeee!" Jake said, smiling stupidly.

"Nope!" I said, popping the 'p'.

"Liar!" he said, sticking out his tongue.

"You're one dumb seven year old." I said, rolling my eyes. Stupid little boys. My mom said one day I'm going to have feelings for a boy. I already do. Rage.

That night, when I was laying in my bunk bed and staring up at the ceiling wondering why the heck there was a plastic place-mat stuck to it, Jacob came in with shampoo still in his hair, a toothbrush hanging out of his mouth, dragging his security blanket behind him.

"You still have that thing?" I asked, laughing.

"Yeah, so?"

"We're seven. Still having a blanket is embarrassing. Besides, second-grade isn't going to be a walk in the park." I remarked.

Jacob tossed his security blanket onto his lower bunk and then muttered, "It's not like I take it to school with me..." under his breath.

That night was eight years ago. I remember it like it was yesterday. Just me and my little brother, careless little kids who could just run and play all day long.

It isn't like that anymore.

So many things have happened since then. Terrible things, and beautiful ones. Ones that will take centuries to explain in true depth.

But I'm going to try.


There's chapter one! I hope you all liked it!

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