CHAPTER FIFTEEN- Apple should sponsor me

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We took the jeep the wights had and just barely caught the train at the next stop. The conductor seemed a bit disappointed we had made it in time, which was rude. I bet he had wanted to rent our seats out or something. Sorry to disappoint, buddy, but a disappointment is all I've ever been. As we boarded the train, I sat down by myself and hummed as I thought over all the crazy shit that had happened in the past few weeks- not even weeks. I sighed and took my airpods out of my pocket, wishing they would work. But no. 1940 can't have some decent wifi. I shoved them back in my pocket, thinking that Apple should sponsor me for how many times I mentioned airpods. Which was a funny thought, but I shrugged it off, trying not to break the fourth wall so soon.

I ended up falling asleep, which was both a good thing, and a bad thing. For a multitude of reasons. Anyway, after I fell asleep, my first dream was not a dream, but a talk with one of the so-called Victor Bruntleys. The first to visit was the nicer one, but I still didn't trust him. He told me 'not to fall for the other dudes tricks,' or something, but I didn't quite believe him. Or the other. I didn't know who I was supposed to believe, or even if one of them was the real Victor. It didn't make sense, in my opinion, so I decided I would not think about it for a while after I woke up. The two Victor's were quite strange, and I still wasn't sure which one to believe. Screw the fact that I'm not good at making choices.

After a while, someone shook me out of sleep. "What do you want?" I said, not opening my eyes, just laying there because I really didn't want to get up yet.

"Get up." the annoying person who woke me up said, annoyingly.







"FinE." I finally gave in because whoever it was kept poking me and it was annoying and now I couldn't go back to sleep even if I tried. I opened my eyes to see Enoch glaring at me, so I showed him the finger.

"Screw you. You woke me up."

"I don't really care."

"I was sleeping."

"I still don't care."

"You don't even know what sleeping is! You've got eyebags the size of France."

"Oh shut up."


He sighed, sitting down next to me and slouching. What an annoying little child.

"So, how's life?" I asked politely.

"It sucks, as usual," he replied.

"Dude. You should be more appreciative of life."

"Except I embrace death."

"Sure ya do, kid."

We sat in silence for a few minutes, and I decided to look out the window. The scenery reminded me of the scenery on the drive from a few weeks ago with my dad through the country of the mainland right before we took a boat across to Cairnholm. It felt like it had been years and years since that drive, but it had only been a week or so. So much had changed since then, and now I was on a train going to London in 1940, around a century before any of that happened. That didn't make sense at all. I looked back from the window around the first-class car. It was pretty fancy, honestly. It had velvet cushions on the seats, which were quite comfortable, and it had beds that pulled out of certain parts of the walls for sleeping. I kinda understood why Horace spent literally all of our money on this train car. We deserved a little bit of luxury after all the crap we'd been through.

"Hey Enoch,"

"Why are you like this?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean why do you isolate yourself from other people, and hate on everyone." he shrugged and looked away, crossing his arms. I doubted he didn't know.

"You had a reason."


"You had a reason for doing what you did." I said, "A reason that you've tried so hard not to get very close to people."

"Fine. Maybe I do." he replied, still staring determinedly out the window.

"Will you tell me?"




"Come on." I said, grabbing his face and making him look at me. "I won't tell anyone." he glared for a minute, then finally broke eye-contact.

"Fine. I used to have friends in my old loop. I had lots of friends. But then I saw them get devoured before my eyes, and I swore I would never get attached to anyone anymore. I tried, but I guess I failed. I've gotten attached to you guys, but I act like I don't, hoping that attachment will go away. But it hasn't, and I'm scared I'll lose you guys just as I did them." he said bitterly. My heart hurt for how much had happened to him. I knew what it was like to lose people you loved dearly.

"I don't know exactly how you feel... But I understand it as much as I can." I pulled him into a small hug, and he didn't push me away. I guess talking about it was what he needed. We sat like that for a few minutes, just sitting in comfortable silence, my chin resting on top of his head.

After a while, we were interrupted by the train screeching to a stop, the whistle blowing. I sighed and let go of him. Any comfort or safety that ride gave me was gone. We were going out into the real world again. The real world of horrors.


I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, just a little fluffy moment for ya <33

Goodbye for now <333

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