CHAPTER TWENTY- "Oh look, I've been impaled!"

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The great Y/n can live through anything, losers. But the great Y/n is now worried that her friends are dead. I jumped up, calling their names one after another, thankfully hearing replies. I let out a breath I hadn't realized I had been holding at the sounds of their voices, one after another. Millard, Jacob, Emma, Bronwyn, Enoch, Horace, Hugh, Olive, Melina, Joel and Peter. One after another. I waved my hands attempting to part the smoke around me, seeing the figures of my friends standing up and brushing themselves off, all unharmed. Thank God.

"Are you okay?" Jacob asked me, and I jumped and turned toward him.

"Yup! No one can kill the great Y/n!" I said proudly, doing that weird things where you flex your muscles.

"You literally have a chunk of glass sticking out of your cheek," he said, pointing, and I winced and pulled it out.

"Yeah," I said, "I guess that was there."

I checked on everyone else, who also seemed to be quite alright except for a few cuts and bruises.

"Everyone alright?" Jacob asked, "That just leaves..."

"ESME AND SAM!" Bronwyn exclaimed. Shit. I had totally forgotten about the two young girls until now, and I was truly worried about what had become of the girls.

"We could've helped them," Emma said bitterly, "But we left them to die," As I remember, you were the one who said they would be fine, when, clearly they probably won't be.

"It wouldn't have made the least bit of difference," Millard replied, "Their deaths had been written into history. They were of the past, and the past always mends itself, no matter how we interfere."

"Hey!" Bronwyn suddenly shouted, "Over here, I can hear one of them!" So at least one of the two girls was alive.

I sprinted toward her and she lifted a broken board off of a bathtub that was thoroughly hidden until now.

"Esme!" I exclaimed, looking at the small girl whose face was scared, curled with her knees to her chest at the bottom of the bathtub. Bathtubs do protect you from bombs, after all. I chuckled and Bronwyn took off her sweater, offering it to the little girl.

"Where's my sister?" Esme asked, "Where's Sam?" I bit my lip, not wanting to tell her that her sister was probably dead when a shout from above us rang out.

"I'm here, Esme!" It was Sam. She was alive.

"Sam!" Esme shouted happily, and I looked up to see where her voice was coming from, and gasped in surprise at what I saw. She was impaled on a broken pipe, seemingly somehow still alive.

"I appear to be stuck," Sam said, not acknowledging the fact that she should be dead, "Will someone help me down?" Well that's something you don't see everyday. It sort of reminded me of that one scene in the first Frozen movie where Olaf gets impaled and literally just laughs. How demonic.

I walked over and reached up, grabbing her feet and wincing at the weird slidey noise that rang out loudly as I helped her down.

She ran over and hugged Esme, smiling. "Thank Heavens you're alright!" Esme said.

"I don't think she is," Olive said, a worried look plastered on her face. Enoch waltzed over and peeked through the enormous hole in Sam's chest, which, strangely, wasn't bloody at all. What the hell.

"Excuse me, but could you explain how you're alive?" Enoch! You don't just go around asking people to explain how they're alive right after they've been impaled! "I can see clear through you!" he said.

"She's one of us," Jacob said.

Sam shrugged, "It does smart a little... but it'll fill up in a day or so." she said casually.

"Has an ymbryne come to find you?" Olive asked.

"Someone came once," Sam replied, "But to join them I would've had to leave Esme behind." she said stonily.

"Esme can't do... anything?" Jacob asked. Dude, don't be rude. I bet she's a very talented child.

"I can count backward from a hundred!" Esme replied, smiling. See Jacob? Very talented! I bet you can't do that.

"Come with us!" Emma said, "If there's any justice in the world, we'll be somewhere safe before the night is through." Sam gave her a look.

"And what about my sister?" Emma opened her mouth to respond, but closed it again.

"I told you, I won't leave her behind. You're going to one of those places she can't enter, right?" Sam said.

"I- I don't know..." Emma said, "It's possible." Miss Peregrine screeched suddenly, and I guessed she wanted to get going. I gave Sam and Esme one last look before we left, hoping they would be alright. They didn't deserve to die. They were so young and innocent. They deserved to live in a happy world with a happy family, and not have to fend for their lives as we did. But sadly, they didn't live in a world where that was possible. Neither did we.


Enjoy your chapter, loves <33

I'll update later lol <3

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