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I was having dreams more and more often now. Every time I closed my eyes, in fact. Which was weird, because I didn't know the meaning of any of them. I just wanted to get out of here, away from these stupid wights, away from this mess I had somehow gotten me and my brother into. I would now just sit in the corner of the cell passing time by staring off into the distance and thinking, not even daring to try and sleep. The real Victor talked to me more now, in my waking moments, too, which was nice. The only thing that kept my sanity in this small, dark, cold place. I rarely talked to Enoch, or anyone for that matter, because of these stupid dreams.

We were only in the cells for around two days, but it felt like an eternity on my part. I had tried escaping once before, but they had threatened to kill Althea if I did, and I couldn't let that happen. She was my friend. I wouldn't be responsible for her death.

The hours creeped by as I sat in the corner of the cell, thinking, trying not to fall asleep in fear of those horrible dreams. Monsters. Fire. All my friends dying. Being all alone, forever. I didn't want that. I wanted to get through this war, wipe out the wights, and keep on living. I wanted to stay with my friends, go on adventures, get Fiona back, maybe even fall in love one day. Maybe.

But on what seemed to be the millionth year of our imprisonment, Jake and Emma found us. They sprinted in and unlocked the door, and we started a rampage. A real rampage. We escaped the wights, and Jacob and his dozen hollowgast he was controlling took them out. The others helped, Emma burned, Olive flew up above us as lookout, Bronwyn smashed wights skulls, I manipulated them into doing anything I wanted, and I didn't get tired as easily as I had before. We even got Miss Peregrine back. It was amazing. I was no longer stuck in that dingy cell, I was back. But then it went downhill. Caul captured her and forced Millard's hero to take us to the library of souls- a place filled with the souls of dead peculiars, which was lovely.

Well, he ended up getting a soul, him and his brother Benthem, and I almost got crushed and shit, but we collapsed the loop and trapped them in the end, so yeah. It was fun. That was sarcasm if you didn't know.

After defeating the wights and restoring order to- well, Devil's Acre was never going to be orderly- we had some disagreement. Jacob and I. Jacob wanted to go home, to finish highschool, and I didn't know why. I wanted to stay with Miss Peregrine and the peculiars and help out there. After at least seven arguments we finally decided. I would stay and he would go. It was the best decision for us both. I told him to tell mom and dad I was alright, and you weren't crazy. We decided to drop all our arguments and just go our different ways. It was better like that. Besides, I would get to see him again. I could visit, maybe, and after he was done with highschool he could come back, so it wasn't a big deal. Right?

Yeah so that's a lie, it was a big deal. I missed my little brother. I hadn't been so close to him after we met the peculiars, but for years he had been my best and only friend. I lay in bed in the girls dormitories of Devil's Acre, thinking about all the fun times we had as little kids.

"Y/n! Y/n!" A tiny voice shouted and I turned to see my slightly younger brother laughing and running towards me.

"What?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. He was still pretty childish for a fourth grader, but then again maybe I was too.

"Look what I found!" he exclaimed, opening his small hand to reveal a butterfly. It was around two inches long, and it was just sitting on his palm. It was a beautiful blue color, like the depths of the ocean, and I loved it at first sight.

"What's its name?" I asked and Jacob shrugged. "Well then, I'm gonna call it Alex. Why? Because it's a name for both boys and girls, or genderless people and I'm gonna respect pronouns." I said proudly. Jacob raised an eyebrow.

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