A skull with twin swords

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Warning this chapter has some gore in it. So if you're sensitive to that stuff I'm just gonna leave a basic description at the end. 

Grian's perspective:

My blood ran cold, even though some part of me new this was coming. He was the Bone King one of the two most feared people in the entire shattered plains, and we had defied him causing his rival to be set free we weren't going to just get away with it.

But still a desperate part of me had held onto the shallow hope that he would just forget about it. The new ideas and plots about our elytra would turn away his attention. It had been a naive hope, I thought bitterly he was renowned for his cruelty he wasn't just gonna let us go Scott free. 

Well, at least with his knowledge of the elytra he would need us alive to make them for him. So upside execution was off the table, I thought grimly.

I Steeled myself preparing for the worst there were so many different ways this could go, all of them painful. Trying to stop the guards from taking us would probably only make things worse so I had to remain calm.

Plus it wasn't like I could take out all four heavily armed guards by myself unarmed while protecting Mumbo and Scar. I loved them to death but they just were not any use in a fight the opposite even.

I stayed still playing off a calm expression or at least trying to. As the guards came forward. I gave out a semi-irritated sigh. Hoping to seem unfazed. 

"Can I at least help my friend walk to the chamber, he did get stabbed" I spoke sarcastically keeping my voice calm and bored and by the confused looks on Mumbo and Scars faces I had managed it. 

Plus some of the guards looked faintly annoyed at my lack of response to my upcoming torture, and I would always take the chance to be a pesky bird, well... at least in non life threatening scenarios.

"You can't help ya need ta be cuffed, Stretch over there can elp the, elf " he spoke in a strange accent maybe from the swamp land further south I didn't really know as I wouldn't often travel further than the mountains.

He spat out the world elf  as if it was a curse, my eyes widened slightly most people were over the race wars as they had happened over three hundred years ago and barely anyone held grudges that long, but hey there would always be outliers.

I saw Mumbo's eyebrows arch downward slightly in faint confusion at being called 'stretch' but he shrugged it off quickly moving over to help Scar up. 

I walked forward rolling my eyes as the guards nervously approached placing heavy chains along my wrists. They pulled them sharply to make sure they were tight one of them laughed as I stumbled slightly forward at the sudden pull by my wrists. 

I saw one of the moving forward to lock Scar and Mumbo in similar constraints. Only for Scar to cut in.

"Now my friend you can't chain up poor Mumbo here he won't be able to help me walk and I do believe your friend over there stated that he was allowed to do so" Scar finished off with his signature smile. 

I smiled mentally as the guard slowly unwrapped Mumbo's chains, no one could out swindle Scar, I had once seen him swindle someone out of iron pants for 'reputation points' which were really just some nonsense he had made up on the spot. He really did have Charisma level five thousand.

The guard then moved to chain Scars wrists causing him to jump right at it again.

"Now do you really think the manacles are necessary, I'm unable to traverse the simple stone hallways without a escort do you really believe my capable of hatching a daring escape" he jumped in pausing slightly before continuing on.

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