a very long flight

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Grians POV

I had just woken up in my room at the castle and I was grabbing all my stuff for the mission. I was meant to leave in what was it three minutes so I started heading up to the castles exit. As I reached the doorway I did one last inventory check.

armour check, 

sword check,

 wing dye check,

 dagger check,

Food and water supplies check,

 poison check and so on so forth until I was fairly certain I hadn't forgotten anything.

With one last look back I jumped into the air flapping my wings so I gained altitude until I was high enough to slow into a steady glide with the occasional flap of my wings. This was going to be one long flight. 

Time skip nine hours 

Nothing much ever happened on flights there was barely anything in the air apart from a few confused birds and some low lying clouds. 

I sighed doing a quick spin through the air I was soooo bored. 

There was absolutely nothing to do up here, I looked up towards the sun it was starting to set I would land when it got dark and sleep the night, there was no point in exhausting myself by flying nonstop for the two day trip it would just make me sloppy in the completion of the mission.

As the suns fiery hues let way to the cool darkness I flapped my wings harder I wanted to get to the halfway point before I slept. As I pounded my wings the tall pillars came into view in the distance. They were always amazing to see large stone pillars that stood here since the great crumble they had managed to last over a thousand years standing there.

I swooped down to the top of one I would always try and rest here if the flight path of my mission allowed it. They were amazing for resting on as no one without wings could get up, or down from here they were one of the safest places to rest. 

There were a few patches of these pillars stretched across the shattered lands in some cases they had all fallen over landing on top of each over making an almost inescapable maze of stone and glass. 

I settled down on the roof and pulled out my blanket and huddled up for the night I would need a good nights sleep for tomorrows flight.  

Time skip of the night 

The first lights of morning rained down on me stabbing into my eyes and forcing me out of sleep. I stretched out my wings and started to pack away my makeshift campsite. Then just before taking off again I scarfed down a couple pieces of bread.

I flew low through the large pillars  racing through as if they were some kind of obstacle course pounding my wings to see how fast I could go. As a parrot my wings were basically made for tights turns and twists through the jungles busy canopy full of vines and tree branches making me incredibly agile in the air. 

As I finally exited the stone jungle I sighed flapping my wings to get back up to a decent altitude. Then I continued to glide.

Time skip five hours 

Finally after another day of flying I could see the red kings fortress looming into view. I swooped down and landed in the nearby woods and started to prepare. I pulled out the dye and started the tedious process of dyeing each feather a jet black because let's face it my rainbow feathers were not exactly inconspicuous. 

Wings (a Grian  hermitcraft story)Where stories live. Discover now