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Sebastian's perspective:

We had finally reached the edge of the woods. I dumped scar's unconscious form down into the boot off our van and  tied his hands and legs together. I stepped back and watched as James did the same with Mumbo. 

I paused taking in a deep breath, now for the really hard part. I pulled out my communicator and tapped on the bone kings icon and sent out my location, the wait had begun. I knew this would capture his interest. 

Time skip of seven hours  

An array of jeeps pulled up circling us. scuffing up the ground and causing huge clouds of dust to fly upwards.

small groups of people got out of the five cars hoisting up their swords towards us, a clear sign of aggression. 

After the rest of his men had exited their vehicles the Bone king began to climb down from his own.

"Now have you given away your location since you're tired of running and are turning yourselves in for execution, or have you actually got something interesting for me" the Bone king proclaimed as he climbed down out of his Jeep.

His jet black hair surrounded his deep grey eyes glinting with cunning. He wore a long black cape that flowed from his shoulders the rest of his body was covered in a bone white armour that glinted in the sunlight. 

"I have something, I believe I could use to negotiate my freedom" I stated straightening out my back trying to stand tall in his suffocating presence. When he stared at you every last piece of you screamed to run and hide from a force that contained such violent capability. 

"And what could you, a couple of failed assassins have that could possibly be of interest to me" he spoke coldly mocking us as he fixed us with his unwavering stare. 

"Well I heard that you were having trouble getting a certain birdy to take a job" I continued on ignoring the jab at James and I, as I fought  to keep my voice calm.

"Well go on then you've peaked my interest" he practically purred.

"I assume that you have heard the rummers that the most feared and deadly bounty hunter in the whole shattered plains, known for being swift and brutal has made the childish mistake of allowing connections to form, that he has attachments" I practically spat out the last words everyone knows not to get attached to anyone as everyone would either turn against you or be used against you there was no other way. 

"I don't need all the show work get to the point of why I shouldn't gut you like a pig right here" The bone king snarled at us. I had forgot about his hatred for theatrics and it had cost me a lot of his patience. 

"We have found and retrieved said attachments" I said gesturing toward James and I's truck. 

Some of his guards cleared the pathway over and pulled open the back of the truck to reveal Mumbo and Scar gaged with their hands and legs tied together staring out in terror at the new world they had been thrust into. 

"And are we to just believe you that these people do actually hold value to our winged friend, I wouldn't put lying past you" he sneered towards us. 

"If you don't believe me just call him I know you must have some way to contact him for your deals, their names are Mumbo and Scar make sure to mention that" I almost laughed with this statement the anticipation making me giddy it all came down to this. 

He reached into one of the many sealed pockets and compartments in his armour and retrieved his communicator he scrolled down for a moment until he found the tab he was looking for and tapped as the communicator began to hum. 




"Vuewp" it made a strange sound as the communicator connected. A bored voice echoed down the line. 

"Do you have a job for me bone king" The feared hunters voice echoed across the empty plains, as all the guards had gone silent and still. There wasn't a sound apart from the Bone king and the voice coming out of the communicator. 

I turned towards his friends and saw recognition and confusion flash in their eyes. Had he not taught them anything about life outside their little bubble. now was really the time for a rude awakening I almost laughed at the thought "time to pop their bubble".

"Not really more of a statement or even an enquiry" he replied smoothly voice like silk, or poison.

"Let's get on with it then Bone king I've just finished a job and I don't have time for your little games" he shot back annoyance lacing his voice, a few of the guards gasped, how could someone dare speak that way to the mighty bone king. But the Bone king himself just brushed it off.

"Oh I think you'll have plenty of time for this don't worry" he replied smoothly unwavering at the hunters aggravated voice. 

"I have your friends" he almost whispered into the device. A silence filled the air a long one too long before he finally replied.

"I don't have any friends"  but you could tell that like everyone else present the Bone king knew that the pause had been far two long for it to be a simple coincidence. A sly grin was starting to spread across his face. He knew that he had something now. 

"Oh but I think you do and your pause all but proves it but if you need any more convincing I could get ohh what was it ahh yes Mumbo and scar to come over to the call". This time a longer pause far far too long the Bone king was down right grinning now a smile spreading from ear to ear it showed of his teeth which he had polished into jagged points. This smile was full of cunning and violent plans I almost felt sorry for Mumbo and Scar, almost. 

The hunters voice echoed down the line all annoyance and boredom gone from his tone it was still and deadly. 

"If you hurt them" he stopped cut off by the Bone king.

"Ohh but what can you do you're days away from here they would be dead before you could even get in the air" his voice held far to much menace and venom even for a seasoned bounty hunter.

"What do you want from me" the hunter replied through gritted teeth 

"nothing quite yet, but for now you will come to my castle and wait for further orders understood" the bone king replied wickedly.

"Understood" he declared grimly. 

"Or well you know how I can get with my prisoners, I do tend to be rather violent" he smiled a cold cutting smile as the hunter replied. 

"Yes" he almost whispered you wouldn't be able to tell normally but I could hear the lingering hints of terror and panic that clung to his simple statement and I knew the Bone king heard it too. 

As he hung up on the communicator he turned to me and James. 

"You are absolved from your crimes welcome back, but him on the other hand" he gestured to James "is not GUARDS dispose of him" he bellowed as he turned to me one last time before reentering his car. 

"Good job" he purred slamming the door and gesturing for the car to be off.

I breathed a sigh of relief it had worked I was absolved everything was going my way. I turned towards Mumbo and Scar saying one last thing before slamming the boots doors.

"Welcome to the real world I hope you enjoy it because your not getting back to your little bubble anytime soon" I smiled showing them my sharpened teeth a sign you where part of the bone clan a look that only could be described as terror crossed over there faces as the doors slammed and I climbed into the front and started the engine.

Everything was turning up my way.

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