One sided deals

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Grian's perspective.

I had been flying for almost three days straight before the bone kings palace, more like stronghold came into view. I wanted to rush in and demand my friends back right that instant.

But meeting the deadliest man alive when you hadn't slept for three days could not be a good idea. So I flew down and landed on a nearby hill I climbed up into one of the trees and perched there letting sleep take hold.

I woke groggily blinking my eyes at the morning Sun what time was it I brought my communicator up to eye level and stared at the blinking numbers it was one o'clock pm. I stifled a sigh, it just meant I had needed it.

I took check of my emotions I had to remember to stay calm when I was in there, I was not in a good position. I let out a sigh running my fingers through my hair, thoughts turning back towards Mumbo and Scar.

Where they okay? had he hurt them? did they know about my life outside the dome? All these questions and a thousand more whistled across my mind as panic began to set in again. NO I had to stay calm, for them.

I breathed in deeply before jumping into the air and flying down towards the large foreboding door. Mumbo Scar here I come.




The door opened upon the third knock inside was a rather plump man smiling at me, showing off his sharpened teeth a symbol of the bone clan. He must have been a high ranking adviser for him to look so well fed and at ease I looked towards his eyes they were small and sly definitely an advisors.

"Ah if it isn't the winged hunter we have been expecting you" he purred slowly his voice cool and devious like an eel, I decided that I would call him that until I learnt his real name not out loud of course but in my head. 

"Oh spar me the classic villain monologue" I snapped at him rather brashly. Now you may ask how I new what classic villain monologue even was let alone sounded like, even though it had been a thousand years since the crumble some stereotypes never died. 

"Watch your tongue little bird I wouldn't want someone to slip up near your precious little friends, the guards swords are awfully sharp and the scabbards far too loose" eel grinned at me.

 How dare he threaten them, their lives were worth a thousand of his my vision started to flash red I wanted to yell at him to hurt him until he new the true meaning of pain. 

But any outburst or show of emotion would only increase the bone kings knowledge of how much I would do for them the more I showed the more he would ask of me in return for their safety. 

"I am not here to talk to you I am here to see the bone king" I replied coldly offhand idly, careful to keep any traces of my anger out of my voice. He looked faintly annoyed at my lack of reaction that was enough to sooth the sower words resting in my throat. 

"This way" his annoyance was evident in his voice, was he new to the court or to high up to care  I had no time to muse over this thought as we neared the throne room. It was careless to let so much of your real emotions show.

I stepped forward and pushed open the door. The bone kings throne was raised slightly above the ground so that even as he sat we would have to look upwards to meet his eyes. I briefly considered using my wings to hover in the air so I wouldn't have to look up to meet his eyes. But quickly dismissed the thought as there was no point in antagonising the one who held Mumbo and Scars lives in his hand.

"Ah winged hunter you have arrived I trust the winds carried you well" he smiled at each word enjoying my position of powerlessness. 

"Let's dispense with the pleasantries you called, so what do you want bone king" I replied shortly  remembering his hatred for the theatric he liked people to be straightforward.

Wings (a Grian  hermitcraft story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant