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Sebastian's perspective 

When the door finally finished opening it shuddered to a stop with a heavy groan. And standing just inside were the strangest looking people I have ever seen. 

The first was wearing a long green robe, had darker tanned skin and long brown hair that lay loose down to his mid back. He had deep green eyes and, no it couldn't be, pointed ears, no that can't be right wood elves had been extinct for nearly three hundred years now. But here in front of me stood one I quickly blinked away my surprise, and turned to the second. 

The second of the two was wearing a black suit with a red tie done up at the front. He had black hair and coal coloured eyes. But most of his face was taken up by a pristine black moustache. 

They may have been the single most ridiculous pair off people I had ever seen. 

They stood loosely and calmly even though they didn't have any weapons and weren't even wearing any armour. The only thing they wear wearing other than their clothes was a strange greyish purple feather cloak on their backs. I spared a moment to muse over there purpose were they a clan sign or to keep out the cold.

They didn't have any scars or battle wounds and looked far too calm when met with two armed strangers. Who the hell were these people I thought to myself slowly. 

"Hello I'm Scar my finely moustached friend here is Mumbo and welcome to hermitcraft" the man Scar rushed out seeming calm and even exited? Taking on a chatty tone one would normally only use with their closest friends if they had any.

I myself was rather shocked by these two odd strangers and James looked absolutely dumbfounded. We just stood there and stared for a moment before the man in green, Scar I believe what a ridiculous name for the man he was the least 'Scar' like person I had ever seen I spared a moment to muse over the irony before he jumped back into the conversation.

"Oh sorry forgive my rudeness but I completely forgot to get your names" he turned round quickly causing his robe to swirl around him were those feathers?

"Oh I'm Sebastian and that's James" I answered rather gruffly still unsure if this is some kind of trick were they going to pull out weapons as soon as we got close or was there armed guards hiding in the bushes. 

"And now before Mumbo explodes with nervousness, how did you end up finding yourselves this far away from civilisation. I'm sorry if that question bothers you but we don't get many guests round here" he finish's with a laugh before pausing for an answer.

I stall what do I say It's not as if I could just say that we're here to kidnap some friends of a famous bounty hunter "ummm we got lost in the woods and we saw the dome and figured we could get directions" I mumbled slowly building confidence as I went. 

Scar didn't doubt the truthfulness of my statement for a moment before turning to Mumbo again.

"See I told you that you were just worrying over nothing they just got lost just like I said" he finished smugly and his friend seemed to calm down a bit. This was very strange, people didn't just accept any random excuse as truth they didn't invite strangers into their lands and people never went around unarmed and without armour. 

For the first time since we arrived Mumbo spoke.

 "I'm greatly sorry for my rudeness I was just a little nervous thats all but to make up for it would you like to come in and have some lunch it is around the right time" he paused looking towards his communicator "I think Iskall said that Stress made bread" he finished slowly they were really just going to let us into their home like it was nothing. 

"No thank you we would just like some directions that's all" I answered quickly.  Scar seemed to wilt a little but Mumbo just looked relieved.

"Okay yes you probably have things to do people to see and all that I think I have a map in my backpack somewhere" He finished as he began to pull a number of things from his bag we saw  so much random junk like flower petals a shovel even a large hat that looked for too large to fit in the bag let alone on his head.

"Found it" he declared with a goofy smile as he began to unfold it. The map showed the dome, the surrounding Forrest and no further.

"Why doesn't your map go out past the Forrest" I turned towards him as we both leaded over the map while Mumbo and James awkwardly stood over to the side.

"Oh Grian says we shouldn't go out past the Dome because it's dangerous out there" he laughed as he spoke. 

"mostly we don't pay too much attention to his warnings as he such a worrier, but he seemed quite serious about that one he mapped out the forrest by air himself"  he finished off before continuing to look over the map. 

That all but confirmed we had found the right place, and better yet these people seemed completely defenceless I almost grinned to myself this was perfect.

"Whose Grian" I asked trying to keep up the charade.

"Oh he's our best friend we'll closer too family really, all the hermits are kinda like that one big family. he's not actually here right now as he likes to go adventuring a lot. I think he said this one was going to be two weeks" he finished his ramble not looking up from the map.

This statement held good news and bad news the good being these weren't just some random people we had found but the hunters actual attachments. But it also brand the bad news of us only having eight days to get these two out of here and back to the bone king and the track through the woods was a six day hike. 

I groaned internally it was going to be a right pain luging these to fools along with us. 

"Well we can't go from this side" I leant down and pointed at the map "me and James saw a WOLF pack over there" I  finished with a meaningful glance up at James. He paused for a second before turning to Mumbo...

And slammed down the flat off his sword onto Mumbo's head, causing him to quickly crumple into unconsciousness. Scar looked up to see what the commotion was. His eyes widened in shock as his gaze fell on Mumbo's crumpled form. Before he could properly react I pulled out my dagger and pushed the poisoned tip into his leg.

It was a remarkable fast acting toxin having him unconscious in almost twenty seconds giving him just enough time to let out a startled yelp and attempt to stand up before his legs collapsed under him as he fell unconscious.

I gazed at the knife proudly it was such an amazing concoction it would knock someone out for twenty four hours we had bought enough of a supply to keep them unconscious for the full trip back. 

I turned to James "Don't you remember the toxin we bought for this specific task" I ask glaring at him.

"I forgot plus the sword was quicker" He shot back quickly, before pulling out his own dagger and poking the tip into the now unconscious Mumbo's leg. So that he would be out for the full twenty four hours as well. 

"Now come on then they aren't going to bring themselves to the bone king" I said hefting scar up as we made our way into the woods again. 

This had all gone perfectly according to plan. 

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