Back to the Bone kings castle

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Red kings perspective 

As the sun rises we do to apparently. The hunter woke up immediately at the first hint of daybreak.

"Come on hurry up" he laughed jokingly. As I let out a groan siting up. Note to self sleeping on giant stone pillars was not fun. 

He grabs the blanket of me and passes me a piece of bread as he quickly eats his own before flapping his wings so he hovers slightly in the air.

I ate my bread piece quickly and shivered as his clawed feet grab my arms he leaps of the stone pillar and takes a moment to adjust my position before speaking again.

"Do you want to do something fun" he yells over the wind whipping at us. I doubt I would enjoy his idea of fun. So I shake my head.

"Oh come on please" he yelled out as the wind whipped at us. 

"Fine" I yelled back as he grinned.

He dove down into a dive pounding his wings as we race through the maze of pillars. He spins and dodges at the last second around the large pillars letting out whoops of joy as he races through the deadly obstacles.

I barely stifle a scream as he just misses a large metal slab ducking bellow it and then having to twist out of the way to avoid a large metal beam that jutted out of the wall. 

After almost twenty minutes of that terrifying flight we finally exit the stone jungle. I breathe out a sigh of relief.

"You have to admit that was a fun" he chirped in laughing as we did a quick spin in the air. 

"Absolutely not I never want to do that again" I exclaimed how could he think that was fun it was down right terrifying. He shook his head miming sadness at my lack of understanding. 

"How much longer are we going to be flying for" I practically bellow to be heard over the winds. 

"Eight hours" he yells back I sigh internally I only have eight hours to find a way back and my dagger plan didn't go so well. I continued thinking I needed a way out of here. 

A thought occurred to me I should bring up the people in the photograph. I was still very curious about them everyone had heard the rumours about his so called attachments but I had always chocked them up as just that rummers.

"Who are they"I ask slowly.

"Who are who" he replies unfazed. 

"The people in the photograph with the moustache and pointed ears" I answer he freezes going statue solid and his wings falter for a second causing him to have to flap rapidly to steady us again. 

I note that down before even with a dagger to his throat his wings flapped on but at just the mention of those two he almost fell out the sky.

"No one" he answers his voice cold for the first time since the night we fought. He really was terrible at hiding his emotions it was almost pitiful how easy he was to read. His whole body was stiff and nervous he obviously had a strong attachment to these two. 

So the rumours had been true he did have attachments a rookie mistake it was surprising really how long they had remained hidden. 

I opened my mouth to keep talking as I was obviously making him nervous. 

"Quite" he snapped at me obviously flustered and attempting to end the conversation, but I ploughed on anyways. 

"Where did you even find a wood elf aren't they meant to be extinct" I ask ignoring his threatening tone. He winced slightly at my question, so he was a wood elf. 

How on earth had he became an assassin if he was so bad at hiding his emotions everyone new that you never showed anyone how you felt as it would just be used against you. 

I decided against talking about this further as I was already unwinding all my effort I had put in to make him trust me. 

We flew on in silents for the rest of the trip until the bone kings palace came into view, it was made of contrasting blacks and whites so it gave off quite a sinister vibe. 

 he flew down tilting his wings into a steady dive, and landed down in front of the entrance.

Lightning fast he grabbed the dagger from my side slipping it into his inventory. I had no time to attempt its retrieval. As the door began to open. Standing inside with twenty or so heavily armed guards was an advisors of some sort.

"Good I see you have completed your mission" he voiced slyly before breathing in deeply to let out a yell.

 "GUARDS come here and escort our friend here to the dungeon" he finished coldly. As guards rushed forward and chained my arms half dragging me away into the castle. 

As we went through the castles winding passages I tried to commit the path to memory if I found a way to exit my cell. They brought me up to a large metal door which I presumed was the entrance to the dungeons to large guard at the door smiled at me darkly before stepping to the side and letting the other guards through. 

They pulled me down a large corridor cells lining the wall, the torch's were few and far between. At the end of the corridor they threw me into an empty cell before slamming the door with a crash that was followed by the clink of the key in the lock. 

I looked round the cell it was entirely empty nothing at all to help me escape I sighed turning around to look into the opposite cell. 

And there staring out at me were the two people from the photograph although they looked a whole lot less carefree then they did before. I guess, I had my answer to what he meant when he had said circumstances change. 

So I had been right about him not wanting to do the job I thought to myself then a new question bloomed into my mind. How would this be used to help me escape? 

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