Now what was that about flying

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Grians perspective 

Our escape plan had gone just great. Our escape plan ended up great Mumbo and scar were back in their cell and now I was here as well. We were probably going to be executed or tortured or most likely both. so everything was going just amazing.

Once the guard had slammed the door on the cell leaving us locked unarmed inside did I finally ask what had been on my mind I turned to Scar.

"What the hell happened" I turned to scar he winced but still answered. 

"Well when you ran back down we chatted about the elytra for a bit and then he just stabbed me in the leg with his dagger and stole the elytra and fireworks saying that Mumbo had already been captured and he wasn't going to die for a stranger" Scar finished wincing as he moved his leg slightly. 

"I'm gonna kill him. how dare he. Mumbo was fine if he hadn't betrayed us we would have all escaped" I yelled out in my frustration. 

"It's okay there's nothing we can do about it now" Scar soothed in an attempt to calm me down. I sighed.

"I guess You're right" I muttered angrily before continuing.

"We need to stay focused, can I see your leg" I asked walking over to Scar he pulled away the lower flaps of his robe showing me the bloody wound. It wasn't too bad a pretty clean cut if you think about it so not as bad as it could be.

We didn't have any water or herbs so there wasn't much I could do so I just ripped a strip of the bottom of Scar's robe and tied it round his leg to try and slow the bleeding. 

"there's not much I can do as we don't have any water to clean the wound or medical materials" I said with a sigh sitting back down

 "all I can do is put pressure on the wound to try and slow the bleeding" I sighed again this wasn't looking great for us. 

Me and Scars ears perked up as our hearing was slightly better than a humans I actually thought Scars was even better than mine. We listened quietly someone was coming. 

"What did you guys hear" Mumbo whispered trying to say quite so that we could keep listening. 

"Someone's coming" I whispered back answering his question he stilled fear racing across the small cell. 

"Get behind me" I whispered again Mumbo moved over to Scars side and I stepped out in front of them standing up and spreading out my wings slightly to try and hide them from view. 

The Bone king came into view from the cell and let out a cruel laugh at my attempt to divert his attention. 

"Oh do calm down I'm not here to kill anyone" he purred amusement filling his voice. I stood there perfectly still why should I trust him. If he was here it could not mean anything good.

"Then why are you here" I replied coldly he wasn't just going to just spare us we had disobeyed him in our escape attempt and even caused the red king to escape. 

My mind flashed through a multitude of theories. Torture then execution seemed the most likely I almost shivered at the thought I couldn't let that happen to Mumbo and Scar. 

"Just a few questions that's all" he replied calmly, what did he mean questions this was definitely not what I was expecting to happen next.

"A few questions, about what you meant by flying and how I have numerous guards reporting seeing the red king literally flying away"he finished coldly. I stiffened he was talking about the elytra. Dammit people were never meant to find out about them. Especially not him.

"I don't remember my arch nemesis being an avian so that leaves quite a few questions" he purred cold eyes locking on us.

"Like for one what are they and how did with a simple feathered cloak did a human being manage to fly" he questioned. 

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