Meanwhile in hermitcraft

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Scars POV 

I yawn loudly as I walk out of my house leaning downwards to pet Jelly. I smiled as she stretched leisurely before moving over to one of the flower beds that she liked to snooze in as the sun always made it really warm, and she could bat at the butterflies that came to the flowers. 

My peaceful morning was disrupted when my favourite moustached hermit came crashing down towards me. I jumped out of the way quickly almost falling over but with some arm waving I managed to set myself back upright.

"SCAR HELP" Mumbo yelled stumbling as he landed awkwardly where I had been standing just a moment before.

"What's got you so flustered now, that you need to come crashing down here in such a flurry" I questioned jokingly as I reached downwards to help pull Mumbo back up to his feet, as his abrupt landing had ended with him sprawled out on the floor.

 "Sorry Scar, but it really is very important " he apologised quickly brushing off the dust from his suit as he stood up.

"Why didn't you just message me on your communicator" I asked questioningly gesturing downwards to my communicator that lay strapped on my own wrist. 

The machine was old and covered in dents from my many, many flying accidents, and the green paint was chipped in many places. Mumbo and doc had offered to replace it by making a new one but I always refused it was fine it could still call and message so what was the harm.

"Scar I did, you didn't respond" he stated giving me a pointed look.

"Well it was beeping far too much and I was trying to sleep as it is really far too early in the morning for such atrocious noises. So I just turned it off" I finished my explanation giving him a slightly guilty shrug. He sighed loudly.

"When it's beeping that normally means check your messages because something important's happening" he finished with fake exasperation, even adding in loud hand gestures as he went causing me to barely stifle a giggle.

"Well I see that now" I finished hesitantly as Mumbo let out a long drawn out sigh.

"So what exactly is the big important thing that's happening" I questioned turning to him curiously mostly when a problem arose it would be from one of Grians silly pranks, but he wasn't here right now so it couldn't have been that.

"There's people outside the dome" he stated looking a bit nervous. My eyebrows rose in surprise we never got anyone visiting from outside the dome. 

 "is there any chance that by people you mean fellow hermits who decided to ignore Grian's warning about adventuring without him" I asked already knowing what the answer would be. Mumbo shook his head slowly.

"No by people I mean random people who we have never met nor seen before standing outside the big entrance" he finished with a sigh.

"I thought so I was kinda just hoping that..." I drawled of I wasn't exactly sure what I had been hoping just that this wasn't actually some huge problem, that it had just been something small the Mumbo had overreacted about.

"Well what are we going to do about them" I said turning back towards Mumbo. He looked at me rather flustered.

"I came here to hear what you thought we should do" he looked on towards me frowning slightly. "Do you think we should talk to the others about it" he questioned turning to me for an answer.

"Nah it'll be fine it's probably not a big deal no need to get everyone involved" I answered calmly trying to diffuse my nerves as well as Mumbo's. 

"well what do you think we should do" he turned to me nervousness spilling into his voice. His hands coming up to fidget with his tie as he spoke.

"Hmm probably just ask them what they're doing, they probably just got lost and need a place to stay the night or directions" I answered slowly thinking it through as I said it. Yeah that seemed right the woods were crazy thick and it would be easy to get lost in them. 

"But Grian sai" I quickly cut him off 

"Come on you and I both now that he's just being a worry wart getting worked up over nothing" iI spoke cutting Mumbo off. 

"Like I'm Grian don't go out side there's wolves, don't talk to strangers. Scar stop trying to pet every animal you see they're not all friendly" i mimicked Grian putting on a squeaky voice and waving my arms around in exasperation. Mumbo stifled a laugh.

"The last one i a far point remember when you tried to pet the wolf that got in you nearly got mauled to death" Mumbo pointed out giggling.

"Ohh come on the poor  puppy was just a little scared" I wined loudly.

"That poor little puppy was trying to eat you before doc came a scared it off" Mumbo finished rolling his eyes even putting quotation marks around the first part of the sentence. I burst into a fit of giggles as I reached into my bag to retrieve some rockets.

"Let's go" I shouted jumping into the air letting my elytra's wings spread. Mumbo jumped up into the air behind me bursting out a few rockets to catch up.

"I still don't think this is a good idea" Mumbo yelled his voice vying to be heard over the rockets explosions.

"Come on, just calm down already and try to be welcoming" I yelled back his way, as I did a spin  in the air. he was just getting his  moustache in a bunch over nothing. One spamming of rockets later and he was up besides me again.

 "I'm not changing my mind Mumbo we should be kind and helpful to the visitors, how would you like it if you were lost in the woods and had just found civilisation only to be turned away at the door" I asked trying to turn his way but ending up having to do an array of spins and odd movements to keep myself airborne. 

Mumbo let out a laugh at my frantic scramble "fine fine i'll stop going on about it you're probably right anyway" he spoke letting out a sigh at the end as we landed down in front of the large metal door preparing to welcome our guests. 

Wings (a Grian  hermitcraft story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora