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Grians perspective:

The advisor Eel I think I called him, had just ordered the red king to be taken to the dungeon sending off almost all the guards with him. As they took a turn and disappeared from view he slowly turned round to face me again a wicked grin plastered on his small pudgy face his beady eyes staring out at me.

"Don't you worry little bird, nothing has happened to your precious little friends while you were away" he whispered towards me mockingly jabbing for a reaction.

"And as long as you comply with the Bone kings orders nothing will happen to them, but if you don't, well we both know how the Bone king deals with traitors." he finish's slipping in a threat while he was at it. 

I tried to ignore him although inside I was seething. This confirmed my fears the Bone king wasn't going to be happy with just one job he was going to keep them here as assurance that I would do any and all jobs he asked of me.

My thoughts flashed to the last traitor to the Bone king, almost every bone in his body had been smashed with a large mallet before he was tied up and left to bleed out. My mind turned to an image of Mumbo and Scar hanging from the castle walls bodies broken and bloody.

 I quickly tried to banish such dark thoughts although my attempt was mostly unsuccessful as they still lingered on the back of my mind.

"Does the Bone king need anything else or may I go see them now" I reply fighting to keep my voice calm. He again looks slightly annoyed as I had succeeded In keeping my anger under check. 

"You may" he says shortly as he steps aside letting me continue in to the castle I walk down the winding maze until I manage to make my way to the dungeons again.

 The guard looks at me slowly eyeing of my sword, before stepping to the side and letting me past. He follows me in walking past all the cells I ignore the whispers of prisoners long maddened by the darkness.

Finally we reach the end of the corridor. The guard steps forward and reaches to his belt for a key. 

I take note of the key chain making note of which one opens the cells. The door opens with a loud clash of rusted metal. 

I rush in to hug Mumbo and Scar although I keep my ears perked up as the door clashes closed again and the key turns in the lock. I listen as the guards footsteps fade and he steps out locking the entrance to the dungeon again.  

I hugged Mumbo and Scar relieved that they were still unharmed, I know Eel had said they were but you could never trust an advisor they were scum the lot of them.

"Are you okay has anything happened while I was gone" I rush out quickly looking them over checking for any wounds. They seem thinner but that is just because the Bone king never properly feeds prisoners he likes to keep them hungry so they won't have the strength to even attempt an escape. 

They both shake their heads quickly letting out a chorus of no's.  I sigh in relief slumping down onto the floor beside them.

"Hey we should be asking you that, you were the one attacking a king" Scar pointed out playfully as him and Mumbo slipped down into a sitting position as well. Leaning against the wall.

"Na I'm fine it was an easy mission" I reply brushing off their concern. 

"Why did you keep turning it down then as you said before" Mumbo asked slightly confused. I breathe in deeply. 

"Because the red king was one of the few good rulers on the shattered plains and he was one of the only things keeping the bone king under control" I finish quickly.

Wings (a Grian  hermitcraft story)Where stories live. Discover now