The enemy of my enemy is not my friend

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Grians perspective

After only three hours of flying the red king slowly began to wake up. He must have been taking Small amounts of knockout to dull its effect. In case a hunter ever used it. That was quite a good strategy really. 

He groaned in pain before letting out a startled gasp as he realised that he was hundreds of feet off the ground. He immediately started to wiggle and twist trying to escape my grip. 

"You do realise if I let go you fall right so all your wiggling is just gonna make me drop you" I chirped letting the sun role of my feathers. 

He paused twisting his neck in an attempt to meet my eyes before stopping wriggling slowly as he slowly accepted that his original course of action was in no way a good plan.

"Why aren't I dead" he questions slowly "I lost the sword fight yet I still live" he finished of his expression of confusion only deepening. 

"The Bone king wants you alive" I answer

 "oh and going head to head with the single most feared assassin in the entire shattered plain was really a stupid plan" I remarked my wings lifting as I caught a warm updraft. 

He sighs loudly 

"Yes it may not have been one of my best plans" he says nodding in agreement. 

"Why does he want me alive" he asks sounding thoughtful.

"I believe it has something to do with a public execution" I pause thinking.

 "for someone claiming to hate the theatric he can really be a bit of a drama queen I think his exact words were.

"I want to execute him myself" I mimic perfectly.

The red king looks a bit shocked at the sound.

"How did you do that" he asks confused.

"One of the many perks of being a parrot avian" I replied smoothly. He casts a doubtful look at my wings. 

"Did you really think they were a natural black, no I just dye them before each mission as rainbow wings are kinda counter productive when your trying to be stealthy" at that he finally barks a laugh. 

"Why are you being so friendly" he states glaring at me with obvious suspicion. 

"You'll be dead soon anyway plus I'm not on great terms with the Bone king right now" I replied watching him as he nodded slowly I couldn't quite make out his expression though.

"Why are you even here my contact had reliable information saying you had turned this job down seven times" he asked clearly fishing for information I brush it of he's going to die soon anyway.

"Eight times and as I said before circumstances change" I reply letting a hint of venom slip into my voice on the last words. I curse myself silently I need to stop letting my emotions Show I'm slipping. 

At least My cold tone discourages any further conversation, so we fly on in silence. 

Perspective change to red king and one hour time skip 

We had been flying for an hour now since our conversation ended I had mused over his last words for almost an hour he had let some emotion slip into his voice so something to do with said changed circumstances clearly wasn't good. 

I paused thinking to myself as a highly feared bounty hunter you would think he would be better at keeping his own emotions in check. 

 After another thirty minutes of flying I was starting to panic, I was hundreds of feet in the air being held up by an enemy assassin and brought to my execution at the hands of the bone king. Everything was going just great. 

Wings (a Grian  hermitcraft story)Where stories live. Discover now