The uninvited guests

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Sebastian (one of the uninvited guests) 

I trudged through the woods glumly kicking at rocks as I went. James and I had been on the run for almost three weeks now, and I was getting sick off it. We barely had anything to eat, we're sleeping outside and it was only a matter off time before the Bone king sent some assassin out after us.

You see me and James were assassins not top tire ones but assassins none the less, and we had been hired by the Bone king to dispose of his nemesis. Which all in all wasn't the best decision on our part almost a hundred assassins had failed this job, but we thought we could do it.

So we took the job  and traveled to the red kings fortress. We tried and failed spectacularly barely even breached the outer wall before we were captured. We ended up trading some information about the bone kings guard schedule for our release. Which may or may not had ended with an advisors death and our current situation. 

Now being on the run was terrible and it was bound to lead to both our deaths so we came up with a plan. The bone king had sent nearly a hundred assassins after the red king all of which failed. Now everyone new that the winged hunter would be able to do it. But he kept refusing the contract.

 After what was it the fifth time he offered the job to the hunter, it could have been more now. As it was hard to get intel while on the run. But he always refused the contract. Now by this point the bone king was furious he wasn't exactly used to being told no, so he had started looking into, let's say alternate methods to get the hunter to take to job. 

So now we have an angry king and a reluctant bounty hunter, now I bet you're wondering how this comes into play with us. Well these alternate methods had something to do with an old rumour that had been circulating for years.

People said that the hunter had some secret base were he had a family. Now nothing is more dangerous in the shattered plains than attachments, as they can be easily exploited. 

Now the one well it used to be a flaw in our genius plan was we like everyone else had absolutely no idea where this so called family was. 

But with a substantial amount of digging an guess work we found a perfect location. There was a so called cursed Forrest located in the middle of nowhere that was just a day or so out of the way if you were travelling between the Red and Bone kings bases. 

Now the winged hunter had flown over this one forrest just a couple too many times for it to be a  coincidence, so we set off in one last hopeful attempt to avoid death.

We spent nearly a week trekking through the plains and woods to get to the cursed forrest. Once we were there we waited at the edge hidden until we saw a figure flying by overhead in the middle of the night. It was so dark we almost missed it. But there he was the hunter heading out on some mission. 

We immediately set out into the forrest as we had no idea how long it would take to reach the centre, and no idea when the hunter would return, and I doubted he would take kindly to people snooping around looking for his base.

We had been walking for six days now, and I was sure something was wrong with this forrest it was full off so many bones. People ones that is they were everywhere you couldn't go five minutes without seeing a skeleton or something slightly more fresh.

I was about ready to turn around because we were sure that if we were found here we would be just two more bodies in the woods. 

But at the same time the bones pretty much proved this was his base and a very secure one at that. Plus if we left empty handed we would be dead anyway on the bone kings orders. 

Suddenly I was shaken from my thoughts as I blinked up in surprise. In front of my at the centre off the Forrest lay a huge dome stretching up into the sky in was old but clean some sort of polished metal smooth, grey and hard. 

We had actually done it after six days of trudging through that accursed woods we had found the assassin's nest. 

We needed to find an entrance and I just hoped it was at ground level because there was no way we could scale that dome, we slowly made our way around the perimeter and after about an hour we reached it a huge metal door.

"Finally there's the god dammed entrance" James shouted out excitedly. 

"Oh really I thought it was just a metal patch" I said sarcastically walking up besides him so we were both in front off the door.

"Oh shut your damn mouth, your tired I'm tired let's just pry the damn thing open so we can get the hell out off here okay" he yelled back angrily.

"So here's our plan I'm going to open the door and when someone comes from inside to see who's there I'll great them feeding them some sob story about being lost, and when I give the signal" I stopped being abruptly cut off by James.

"What's the signal going to be" James questioned. I shot him an annoyed gamer before continuing on. 

"I was getting to that" I grumbled angrily.

"Fine no need to bite my head off" James stated lifting his arms up into the air in a sign of mock surrender. 

"Okay when I give the signal which will be the word... oh I don't know wolf you'll use the toxin on the dagger to knock them out okay" I finish turning back towards him.

He pulled out his dagger and coated it in the toxin before sliding it back into its sheath. 

"After that all we have to do is head back to the edge of the Forrest and radio in the Bone king, so we can get back into his good books" I finished off my excitement building. no more running. 

"And we'll be home free" James shouted out happily as we turning back towards the door. Just in time for us to see it began to slide open. 

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