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Grians perspective:

To say I was panicking would be an understatement. The bone king had Mumbo and Scar two people who had never known life outside hermitcraft. They didn't know how the real world worked they didn't know any of the lesson everyone learnt in their first years of life. Rules like trust no one, don't accept help from strangers, don't let yourself make any attachments. 

I had stuffed that last one up pretty bad I had an entire secret base full of attachments, I thought to myself sadly.

"Arrrgh" I let out a yell why couldn't Mumbo and Scar just have listened to me I told them never to let any strangers into the dome, I told them to run if someone new arrived, I told them to call me before doing anything stupid.

"Why couldn't you just have listened to me" I yelled slashing my sword towards a tree in my anger again and again and again until a large collection of gashes marked it. 

But after a long while my swipes slowed and I sank to my knees beside the tree. Despair creeping in.

None of this was their fault this was all my fault if I hadn't taken that last job I would have been there to clear the perimeter they would never have been taken this was my fault not theirs. 

I sat there next to that tree from almost an hour. Dwelling sadly on my failings, I should have taught them something done something jammed the door, been more clear on why not to let others in. But I hadn't and now I had to deal with the consequences.

 I knew what the Bone king was like he tortured innocents for fun, killing anyone who showed weakness or wasn't being useful, he was a monster. A monster who had the two people I cared most about in the entire world.

I gritted my teeth pulling myself up. He said I had to go to his castle, that's where he would have taken Scar and Mumbo. I had to stay strong for them. They didn't know the real world all it's heartless cruelty I had to protect them from it. I will protect them from it I thought determined as I spread my wings and leapt back into the sky. 

I set off it would be a three day flight as I had been a day from hermitcraft and the bone kings castle was two days onwards from there, at least I could go by air. It would've taken far longer by foot or car. 

I glided trying desperately not to think about what was happening with Mumbo and Scar this was all my fault if only I had been more careful or stayed closer or or...

"arhhhh"I couldn't think about that now I had to stay in the present as horrid as it may be. 

 perspective change: Mumbo

Me a scar are tied up in the back of a van and it was all our fault. Why couldn't Scar have just listened to me, why didn't we just listen to Grian's warning then we would still be safe and sound in hermitcraft. 

While on the topic of Grian I had a few questions to ask him when, IF we saw him again I barely suppressed a shiver at such a dark thought.

Like how did the scary guy with pointed teeth and bone white armour know Grians name, how did he have his communicator codes, what was Grian talking about when he said jobs he had sounded so menacing and serious nothing like the pesky bird we knew and he had even know the scary guy he called him Bone king I suppressed yet another shiver what a terrifying name.

What was really getting to me though was the last couple of sentences Grian had threatened him the bone king our grian the pesky bird, and the bone king had sent a threat right back I shook at the memory.

flash back 

"If you hurt them" Grian, had threatened someone our Grian, the mischievous prankster. This wasn't right he was adventuring by himself just exploring right. Right?

"Ohh but what can you do you're days away from here they would be dead before you could even get in the air" The bone king was threatening us he was threatening to kill us my brain couldn't quite seem able to accept the fact. As I sat there on the cold metal floor of the boot, we could die, there was a plausible chance that this man would murder us in cold blood, and it was spoken about like nothing more than a daily errand.

"Or well you know how I can get with my prisoners I do tend to be rather violent" How would Grian know that he was a hermit just like us right, I paused right? What had Grian been doing on his trips away from hermitcraft he told us the world was dangerous, did that mean he was dangerous too?

And what did he mean by prisoners why would he have prisoners? what exactly did he mean by violent? All these thoughts swirled round in my head until all I could think of was the last one.

"Yes" his last word before the call ended how did Grian know this Bone king but that's not what I was thinking at the time all I could think of was the abject terror I could hear in his voice.

End of flashback

And now we were in the boot of a van. Worse one of the people who had helped kidnap us, I believe James was his name had been killed for no reason I could comprehend. I had watched someone die. I couldn't believe it the bone king had just said dispose of him and the people with swords had stabbed him like it was no big deal. Maybe it wasn't, for them at least.

I blinked Sebastians last words to us before he jumped in the truck and started driving away "welcome to the real world" what did that mean was the whole world like this? I felt sick, if so I really just wanted to go home to hermitcraft. 

I sighed turning to scar I wanted to say something along the lines of it's not your fault I invited them in as well. But I couldn't due to the old piece of cloth tied round my mouth I looked towards him he seemed to be going through some equally dark thoughts. I sighed the sound muffled through the gag, I might as well get some sleep who knows how long this drive would be. 

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