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"Don't waste words on people who deserve your silence, sometimes the most powerful thing you can say is nothing at all"

"Don't waste words on people who deserve your silence, sometimes the most powerful thing you can say is nothing at all"

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Elena was walking down the street watching her husband giving their daugther a ponyride as they were heading to Elliott's place.

Ruby was giggling as Five was running around with a big smile on his face.

"Alright, that was the ride" Five said as he put Ruby down "Again Daddy, again" the little girl said with a smile "Alright, where do you want to go through now. The forest, the dinosaur's age, ice age, fantasy land or the jungle?" Five asked.

"The jungle" Ruby answered "Alright, but we careful, 'cause there are tigers in the jungle" Five said "Nothing I can't handle, cause I'm the daugther of the world greatest superhero" Ruby said as she put on her dad's old domino mask "That's my little superhero" Five said before he turned around and bend down so Ruby could jump on his back.

"Ready?" Five asked as he could feel he had a good grip on Ruby "Ready" she said and Five smiled as he started running around again while Ruby giggled as she stretched her arms out to the side, like she was flying which cause Elena to smile as she watch her daugther and husband having fun.


The three arrived at Elliott's apartment.

"Elliott" Five said as the three walked up the stairs to see Elliott in the living room.

"This is my wife Elena and our daugther Ruby" Five introduced as he pointed on Elliott before he looked at his wife and daugther "El and Ruby, this is Elliott, he is the guy that has being helping me" Five said.

"Hello Elliott, it's nice to meet you" Elena said as she shook Elliott's hand "You must be the wife, I was surprised when he told me about you. You both look very young to be husband and wife and be parents" Elliott said "Well, we are older than we look" she said and Elliott nodded.

Elena then looked down at Ruby "Say hello Sweetheart" she said "Hello" Ruby said as she gave Elliott a small wave.

"Hello, you must be their daugther" Elliott said and Ruby nodded "Well, you look a lot like your dad" Elliott said "I know, I hear it a lot, but I also hear that I have my mom's eyes" Ruby said as she was hugging Flipper and Elliott smiled "Well, you are a cute one" he said as he ruffled her hair which cause Ruby to giggled and the couple to smile.

"Do you have a wife or kids?" Elena asked "No, my wife left me before we got the chance to talk about having kids" he said "I'm sorry" Elena said "It's okay" Elliott said.

"Well, let's start working" Five said before he walked over to look at the pictures.

While Ruby was sitting on the couch, playing with Flipper, Five and Elena were looking at the  at the photos of the others while Elliott was eating some oatmeal.

The apocalypse family (F.H) (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now