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"Maybe it's not about the happy ending, maybe it's about the story"

"Maybe it's not about the happy ending, maybe it's about the story"

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Five stopped the car by a place called Griddy's Doughnuts before him and his wife got out.

Elena walked over before she opened the door to the backseat so Ruby could get out "Where are we?" she asked "'Griddy's Doughnuts" Five said as he looked at the diner "It's a place your daddy use to come with his siblings when we were young" he said "Yeah, I remember you told me how you and the others used to meet up on a night after missions and sneak out of the house to go to Griddy's together" Ruby said as she grabbed her parents' hands.

"Can I get a frosted chocolate doughnut and a hot chocolate with marshmallow?" she asked "Of course you can Sweetpea" Five said before the couple opened the door as the three enter.

The diner was almost empty, except for a single man that got up and walked out the door.

The three walked over to the counter before sitting down and Five impatiently hit on the bell that was in front of him.

"Where are the ones that work here?" Five asked "Easy Hon. Be patience, even so it has never being your strong side" Elena said.

Then a man entered the diner and the couple let out a sigh as the man took a seat next to Five.

The man had a yellow and black plaid shirt on underneath a puffy vest. He wore jeans and boots.

Ruby who was sitting between her parents hit the bell causing it to made a ding noise and she smiled as she hit the bell again and again.

But then Five took her hand "Don't, please" he said "Sorry" Ruby said "It's okay" Five said before he push the bell away and ruffled his daughter's dark brown hair that sometimes look black which 'cause her to giggle. Five loved when Ruby giggled 'cause he said that she had her mother's giggle and laugh.

The man exhales deeply before he looked down at the menu he was holding in his hand. Five sighed as he looked down at his hands that were clasped together on the counter while Elena picked up a newspaper that was laying in front of her on the counter.

The sound of dished clattering was heard before the door to the back opened and an older woman in a pink uniform walked out before she approached the four.

The name Agens were writing on her uniform.

"Sorry, sink was clogged" Agnes said and chuckled "So, what'll it be?" she asked as she pulled out a pen and a small notepad out of her apron "Uh, give me a chocolate éclair" The man said "Mm-hmm. Sure" Agnes said, writing it down on her notepad before she looked at the family.

"Can I get the kids a glass of milk or something?" she asked before looking back at the man, thinking that it was his kids which cause Five to scoff.

"This kid want coffee. Black" Five said "Two black of coffee please" Elena said "Give her decaf" Five said since he didn't want his wife to drink coffee when she was pregnant.

The apocalypse family (F.H) (Book 1)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu