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"You've got to recognize the cloudy days to appreciate the sunny ones"

"You've got to recognize the cloudy days to appreciate the sunny ones"

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Five, Ruby Diego and Klaus quickly found Luther sitting in a bar "Look" Klaus said as soon as they enter the bar and spotted Luther sitting by a table drinking.

"Trying a little hair of the dog, are we? Hm?" Klaus asked as they sat down by the same table.

"Leave me alone" Luther said, looking down at his beer "Give us a minute" Diego said, looking at the three.

"Okay. Come on. Maybe they'll brood each other to death" Klaus said as him, Ruby and Five walked over to another table.

"Look, Dad was wrong to lie to you. To all of us" Diego said "Look, I did my time. All right? Four years up there, watching and waiting because he said the world needed me. Four years of nothing but soy paste and processed air because I was naive enough to believe that dads don't lie to their kids. But guess what? The joke's on me. I'm done. With all of it. With him. With you. With this family. You wanna save the world, you go right ahead. I'm fine to sit here and finish my beer and...get my...buzz on" Luther said.

"How do we find mom?" Ruby asked "She went after Harold Jenkins and Allison is out looking for her, so I think if we find mom, we find both Harold, Allison and Vanya" Five said "Dad, is mom in danger?" Ruby asked "Your mom is a tough woman, if she can handle living on the street, an apocalypse, me for 27 years, she can handle everything. She will be fine, nothing to worry about Cupcake" Five said and he ruffled his daughter's dark brown hair.

Five tried not to show it, but he was worried about his pregnant wife and the mother of his child, he was worried about her, going towards an murder.

Yeah, Elena have survived things that many people wouldn't and she is tough, but Five was still worried about her, especially in that condition she is in now. He just hope that she will take care of herself, not just for her, but also for their third child that is growing inside of her.

"You should have led with that. Jesus Christ" Luther suddenly said, slamming his hands on the table.

Luther then got up from the chair before rushing outside, towards the car with the others right behind him.


The taxi arrived at the cabin and Elena gave the drive some money before she go out of the taxi and it drove away.

She then spotted Allison walking towards the cabin.

"Allison" she called out and Allison turned around "Elena. What are you doing here?" she asked as Elena approached her "I want to help" she said "What about Five and Ruby?" Allison asked "They know that I'm here, they are probably already on their way" Elena said "And the baby?" Allison asked "I will be fine Allison, stop worrying. If I can handle an apocalypse, and I have handle Five for 27 years, survived many closed death experiences, giving birth in the apocalypse without any doctors or medicals around me, only Five by my side, plus I'm an trained assassin, one of the best, so I can handle one single guy" Elena said "Alright, let's go" Allison said and the two walked up to the cabin.

The apocalypse family (F.H) (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now