Have No Clue

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Word Count: 3,000

I am terrible sorry I haven't posted in a while.


Thana's POV

I remove my hand from Ben's mouth, and look at him. I take a step back, while Ben chuckles as he sits down on the rolling chair. I roll my eyes and cross my arms over my stomach. " That was a close one.. " I mumble as I lean against the desk. " What's wrong? " Ben asks spinning around. " ...I'm stuck here, and I can't escape.. Even if I wanted to.. " I say with a heavy sigh. " Aren't you a goddess or something? " Ben asked looking at me. I look at him. " If I was able to leave I wouldn't be summoning your dumbass now would I? " I say with a small glare. He rolls his eyes. " It's more complex then just going through screens Ben. " I say as I push the chair which makes Ben lose balance. He falls flat on his face with an audible thud. I burst out laughing at him followed by footsteps walking towards the door. I immediately slide Ben under neath the bed. I shove things in front of him making sure he can't be seen before the door opens revealing Daniel at the door. I glare at him as I stand in front of the bed. " I will make sure you learn your place you little hore! " Danielle said rather loudly before stomping into my room slamming the door shut as he locked the door. " Touch me and I'll fucking scream.. Covered in blood just gurgling things.. " I say sternly as he lunged at me. I swing at him, but miss. I get tackled onto the bed by Daniel. He pins me down as I begin to struggle. Daniel grabs both my wrists and turns me around. He twists my arms behind my back. Daniel twisted my arms the point where I can't move either of my arms anymore. He held me down with one arm. " Damnit! Stop struggle! " he said frustrated. I completely ignored him and struggled harder. Ben emerges from underneath my bed and grabs Daniel. Ben pulls Daniel off of me and shoves him to the ground. There was a knock at the door. Ben freezes while he's holding Daniel down. " Thana? What's with all the commotion? " I hear Percival ask through the door. " Hel- " Ben quickly cut Daniel off by covering his mouth. " Nothing! Just talking with one of my fathers servants! " I say quickly as Ben shoots a quick glare at me. " Oh, he sent on of his servants? Wouldn't he notify us? " Percival questions. I look at Ben. " Do you dare question Lord, Zaligo? " Ben says loudly. " I uhh.. No. I just thought- " Ben cuts him off by talking over him. " Lord, Zaligo will do as he pleases. He is your king after all. And do you question his actions? If so I'll talk to you personally. " Ben says rolling his eyes. I walk over to the door and unlock it. " U-uhh.. O-ok.. " Percival says opening the door and steps inside. Ben was on top of Daniel about to punch him. " Do not hit him! " Percival says rushing over quickly. " We're supposed to protect him and Thana! " Percival pulls Ben off of Daniel to help him up which makes Ben growl slightly. " I don't care if you're supposed to take care of him. I found him trying to hurt Thana. " Ben says with a glare. Percival freezes when he takes a look at Ben. " What? Take a picture, it'll last longer. " Ben growls crossing his arms over his chest. " I don't mean to stare its just.. The way you look.. " Percival says as he swallows hard realizing what he said. " What do you mean by that? " Ben says taking a step forward. " I understand for you outfit, but your eyes.. Their.. " Ben shoots a glare at Percival. " What about my eyes? " Percival swallows hard as Ben takes another step closer. " Alright, alright. Step back, now. " I say looking at both Ben and Percival. " No, I wanna know what he means. " Ben says sternly moving closer towards Percival. I roll my eyes. I take a step in from of Ben and push him back. " How about you stop being a pain in the ass, Ben. " I say moving Ben away from Percival in a safe distance. " And you Percival, don't blurt shit out. " I say turning to look at Percival and walking towards him. Percival put his hands up surrendering. I roll my eyes while turn towards Ben. " Ok, I think you two should calm down. " Percival says putting his hands down. I quickly turn towards Percival. Ben glitches and appears in front of Percival. " That's it! " Ben raised his fist. " Hey! " I step in the middle not realizing Ben was throwing a punch. Ben's punch struck my cheek causing me to stumble backwards into Percival. " Oh shit! Fuck! Sorry! " Ben said pulling me out of Percival's arms. " I'm fine, Ben. I've been hit worse. " I say as Percival turns me around. He grabs my chin and move my head. " Way to go, Ben. " Percival says slightly pissed off. " You gave her a fucking bruise. " Percival says moving me aside. " I apologized, and the hit was meant for you. " Ben growls as he steps closer towards Percival. I see Percival's hands clenched into fists. " I don't care if it was meant for me. You still bruised her! " Percival says pissed off. I roll my eyes. " How about I fuck you up?! " Ben says as he starts to glitch slightly. " Alright! Alright! Both of you shut the fuck up! " I say pushing both of them backwards. Ben shoots me a small glare before rolling his eyes. " Keep rolling your eyes, maybe you'll find a brain. " I say with a glare. Ben growls and glares at me. " What's with Percival? He seems to be on a leash. " Ben sneers as Percival growls. " What's with your fucking eyes? " Percival walks towards Ben and gets in his face.

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