A Cruel Return

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Word Count: 3,755

Thana's POV

When I felt the car stop I force myself awake. I woke up and found myself on top of an asleep Toby. A quick blush fell over my face. When I sat up I looked at him. He was peaceful. He had less tics. And how easy it would be to slit his throat. " Snap out of it Thana, " Cray said calm for once. " Look who's awake, " I heard Hoodie say sarcastically. " We still have about 10 hours 50 more minutes for a drive. I sigh getting off of Toby. " There's a backseat. You can be there, " Hoodie said. I crawl to the backseat and lay there. " You know Cray. Your the last person I thought would tell me no to did that, " I said in my mind. "What... Your just a D. O. L. L, " Cray said calmly. " You never usually calm. So what's up with you, " I asked her. " I only sound the part. That's why. I'm mentally unstable... So I try to sound mentally unstable. Do I hate it... Yes. Do I have to do it... No. Do I choose to... No, " Cray explained sounding a bit sad. " Why don't you have a choice, " I asked trying to comfort her.

" Why do you care D. O. L. L, " Cray said. " I... Don't want you to end up being like me... I may not show it... But I care for everyone in my head, " I said sighing. " So you care about us? I thought it was because your mother put us in here, " Cray said in a low type tone. " No... I put you hear... Because I didn't want mother to kill you... I don't want the same thing to happen to anyone else... That happened to me, " I said I a firm tone. " Ok... D. O. L. L. What ever you say, but I still don't want to talk about it tho, " Cray said in a happy tone. " Ok, " I replied back. " I'm sleep along with the others, " Cray said with a yawn.

As the trees pass I couldn't help, but stare at Hoodie. He was driving while everyone else got tired and slept. " You know staring is rude, " Hoodie said looking at me in the rear view mirror. I didn't say anything. " What are you thinking about, " Hoodie asked trying to make small talk. " I'd rather not say... It's intrusive thoughts... I get them way to commonly and I hate it, " I said looking at the road ahead. " How commonly, " He asked. " There just like a common thought... I mean hell I already had 5 just talking to you, " I said with a little chuckle. " Why do you wear a mask Thana, " Hoodie asked me. " I... I honestly don't know. I know I could take it off..., " I trailed off. " But, " Hoodie continued for me. " I don't know, " I said looking down. " It wouldn't hurt to take it off ya know, " he said looking at me thew the rear view mirror. " I haven't taken this thing off. In front of anyone since I was... I was 5," I said rather quietly.

" Why, " Hoodie asked curiously. " I... I do it for the protection of everyone around me... As a child of both a demon and an angel... You have particular rules as a female child, " I said looking at him. " You can't show your face until the age of 18, but if you are told otherwise... You can't disobey... Or the person who saw gets killed. It happen to... To, " I started to tear up thinking about Davilla. " You don't have to tell me if you don't want to, " Hoodie said with a calm voice. " What do you think of me or see in me... What does my father and mother see in me... What do my brothers see in me... What does anyone see in me, " I said while a tear escaped my eyes. " People view others differently. Like how I view you, " Masky said waking up. I looked at Masky he was in the passenger seat. " How do you view me, " I said like a curious child. " I view you as a lost person. You let people lead you because you don't know where you belong. So you walk aimlessly, " Masky explain tiredly. " And the way I see you is similar, but you hold yourself quite well so your a lost person that knows what to do in complicated situation. But have trouble talking about your feelings, " Hoodie explained.

**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚         Time Skip            ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*

About 5 hours pass and the sun was going down. We still have about 5 hours and 30 or 40 minutes to go. Toby woke up about 2 hours ago. Hoodie and Masky switched at the 4 hour mark. " We have to do a little stop... Your most likely not going to like it Thana, " Masky said looking at me in the rear view mirror. Toby started to laugh. As we pull  over at a motel I see a hooded figure leaning against a wall. " Why would I not like this... It's just a girl? Don't Slender have any other female proxies, " l asked not break my gaze on the female. " H, her n, n, name I, is- don't Toby you'll ruin the hateful surprise, " Hoodie said cutting Toby off. Toby looked at Hoodie and nodded. As the girl entered the car I recognized her. I instinctively put down the seat. Toby's eyes widen. I pull her by the collar, and put her right in front of my face. My eyes sharp. Hands firm shaking from anger. The anger filling my eyes. The smoke appearing out of nowhere.

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