The Mission

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Word Count: 3,098

I know this is all random, but this is along with the story so don't worry😊.

✿✾✤❖★        Start of Story         ✿✾✤❖★

Jeff's POV

After 1 hour I still couldn't stop thinking about how I kissed Thana. I know Jack is gonna kill me for it, but it was worth it. I was on a mission. It was simple. I just had to kill some random guy Slender told me to. He said he a signed someone to go with me. If I remember the conversation he said I was a signed with a girl and another person. I just hope it's not Rose. She's to loud and messy. But I don't want it to be Thana either because of the kiss. I heard someone walk up then stop. I turned around to see Rose. I looked at her with a disappointed face. She looked at me and gave me a smile.    " Oh fuck no, " I heard Thana say. I looked passed Rose who turned around to see Thana behind her. " I'm gonna have to work with you. Do you even know how to kill, " Thana asked disappointed. " She does, but she's messy, " I said walking over.

" Let's just get on to the mission, " Rose said sounding pissed off by the comments. Thana smirked. " Such a buzz kill Rosie, " Thana said chuckling. Rose looks back at Thana with a glare. I think Thana doesn't take Rose seriously. As we walk to the house Rose was reading who Slender a signed the person. She passes Thana 5 photos. I get 5 photos and Rose got 3. Thana then started to laugh at how many Rose got. Honestly I just smirked. " At least Slender does have me as a killing machine Thana," Rose said anger lacing it. Thana stopped mid laugh and looked at Rose. " Would you mind repeating that Rose, " Thana said calmly, but her black smoke appeared. " You heard me, " Rose repeated. Thana then started laughing. Rose looked confused, but I know exactly what she was doing. She was getting Rose's guard down to strike. Rose then rolled her eyes. I then see Thana about to punch her still laughing. Rose saw, but it was to late. Thana hit Rose which made her fall back.

" Ow! You made my nose bleed, " Rose yelled. I looked at Thana and seeing the smoke die down. " Get up, " Thana practicality commanded. Rose got up and was met with another hit. Thana did this about 3 more times. " Ok! Ok! Stop! Let's get our missions delt with, " Rose yelled at Thana. Rose then got up again, and ducked when Thana threw another hit. " Slow learner, " Thana said helping Rose up. I couldn't help but smirk the entire time. Rose just threw me a glare. " I'm just gonna go to mine. I'm gonna meet up with you guys here, " Rose said storming off. " So... Why'd you hit her that many times, " I asked Thana. " I was gonna hit her 21 more times because... Because of the past but she ducked, " she said sad after the pause. " I see. Let's go. I wanna see you in action, " I told her. I haven't been on a mission with Thana before so this will be interesting.

As we make our way to the first house we look inside. It was a 2 story house. Looked big to. We find one person that matched one of my pictures. " I'm gonna rate your performance, " Thana said with a warm smile. As I enter the house I grab my knife that was hidden in my boot. I make my way to the second floor. The girl was on her phone. " Omg! Jake it's so big, " I hears from her room. " Oh good luck with that Jeff, " I got startled because I didn't even hear Thana. " Hey calm down it's just me, " she said putting her hands up. " You scared the fuck out of me. How long have you been there, " I asked looking at her. " Not that long, " she said with a smirk. She hands me another knife. " To get the guy that's with her, " she said with a smirk. " Oh shut the fuck up Thana, " I said rolling my eyes. As I approach the door they started to moan loudly. Thana just giggled.

I just kicked open the door and threw the first knife at the guys head. He fell over off the bed. She started to scream and kick at me. " Ssshhh, " I said slicing her throat making her shut up. As the blood spewed out she tried to get it to stop. It honestly made me smile at her struggle. " Solid... 9/10, " I heard Thana say. I turned around and saw her at the door way smiling. We then heard a car pull up. " Run, " she said jumping out the window. I run and see her perfectly fine. " Come on, " she said I run down the stairs and threw the back door. We both run for the woods. As we get far enough to where they can't see us we both started to laugh. We both made jokes about the first house walking to the second.

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