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Word Count: 3,228

(●’◡’●)ノ I think there will be some parts that will be a bit of gore. I will tell you when in case you want to skip!!!

❃.✮:▹                      Start                    ◃:✮.❃

Thana's POV

As I run out of the building people start to stare at me. Most likely questioning why I'm running out of the building crying or some shit. I walk towards an ally way. It was dark and you couldn't see much. I walk in and as I was walking I heard Davilla yell out for me. I quickly run down the ally way and hid. I see Davilla enter the ally way. " Thana!!! Please!!! Come out!!! I know you're here!!! Please, " he yelled. I move slightly causing something to fall. " Thana? Was that you, " he asked. " I'm so stupid!!! Why did I move!!! I'm such an idiot!!! " I think to myself. I could here him walking closer. " Hey. Look at this. A kid walked up in our ally, " I heard a voice say behind Davilla. " Ya. Let's have some fun with him. Ya know, " another guy said. " What do you say, " Guy 1 asked. " I say... Ya.. You, " Guy 2 asked. " I wouldn't want to miss it, " Guy 3 said. " I don't want any trouble. I'm just looking for a girl, " Davilla said, his voice firm. I peeked behind a dumpster. All 3 guys looked at one another. " We'll well have fun with her, " Guy 1 said sinisterly. " Ya we'll show her a good time, " Guy 3 said. " I bet she'll scream for you, " Guy 2 said pointing a knife at Davilla. Davilla scoffed. " Ya right. You'll probably scream for your mommy, " Davilla taunted. The 3 of them looked mad. " Hey teleport all of us to the "Basement" so we could have fun with him, " Guy 1 said looking at Guy 3. " Sure thing boss, " Guy 3 responded. We then get teleported to a dark room with just a good amount of light to see everything.

(Gore Warning⚠!!! Continue at your own risk!!! You have been⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠)

I quickly hid behind something. " Hey what was that, " Guy 2 said. " Go check it out. We'll deal with him, " Guy 1 said walking closer to Davilla. Guy 2 started to walk to where I was. Davilla was hit by Guy 3. They were beating him. I quickly get up. " Stop!!! Don't hurt him!!! Please, " I yelled walking towards Davilla. Guy 1 whistled at me. The other 2 stared at me. Guy 2 grabs me from behind. " We'll have fun with ya. I mean look at ya, " Guy 2 said pressing himself closer to me. " Stop! Now! While you still have a chance, " I yelled out. " What's a pretty little thing like you gonna do? Huh? I'm waiting, " Guy 1 said taunting me. I saw Davilla get up. He was pissed. He grabbed Guy 3 by the neck at slammed him against the wall. Guy 1 yelled at him. I took the opportunity to throw Guy 2 over my shoulder and stepped on his back. While I held his arm in place. I snapped Guy 2's arm in half. Davilla was still slamming Guy 3 against the wall. He stopped then pulled out a knife and cut Guy 3's throat. Dropping him. He looked at me. I was breaking Guy 2's arm evey possible way. Doing the same with the other arm. Guy 1 was just watching us. I then flipped him Guy 2 over onto his back. Stepping on his throat. A blue dagger formed in my hands. " I always wanted to be a doctor ya know, " I said sinisterly. He cried out. Begging for me to stop. I looked at him. Remembering Davilla. " It wasn't your fault Thana, " I heard Davilla say. I turn and looked at him, and gave him a sad smile. " Well you might as well continue. I'll deal with him halfway then.

You can step in. I smile looking back at Guy 2. I knelt down, stabbing him in the arms and chest. He continued to scream. I just started to laugh. I stabbed his stomach cutting it. Making a slit. " Let's see. Your stomach hurts? Well let's look around, " I said pulling out his organs. " What was that. Your heart does to, " I said slicing at his chest. I opened the hole wider. I broke his rib cage to get to his heart. " Opps silly me! Wrong side, " I said repeating the process. " There's you heart! It looks fine to me! Well let's examine it. Shall we, " I questioned grabbing it, and pulling it out. He was still alive. " You want to see your heart? Well. I'll show you anyway, " I said putting it in front of his face. I then crushed the beating heart. Then he Guy 2 died. " Ooo! I did that perfectly to, " I said happily walking over to Davilla. Guy 1 had both his wrists broken. His knee caps smashed. He was of course screaming. " Your turn, " Davilla said looking at me. " My pleasure brother, " I said grabbing his face. I cut off his tongue to stop him from screaming. " Finally! He shut up. Oh. Your stomach hurts to? We'll have to look at that, " I said while slicing open his stomach. I proceeded to pull out his organs and wrap them around his neck. Choking him. " Well sister. I'm impressed. I thought you'd just scream, " Davilla joked. " Aww~ You think very little of me, " I said pulling harder. Guy 1 still hasn't died. " Oh well... Neck break it is, " I said snapping his neck.

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