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Word Count: 3,023

Hello!! Yes I am still alive!!! Sadly. Cough cough! I have brought you another chapter!!


Thana's POV

The group looked at me then at Daniel. Percival was about to speak before Scalan cut him off. " Nice to meet you princess. " he said with a bow. I give him a slight glare with a smile. " Don't hit on her... " Daniel growled as he stood next to me. " I'll send you to your house. Also I want Thana and Daniel sleeping in separate rooms. " Zaligo said before snapping his fingers. Daniel looked pissed as he stormed off. " Ugh... Men... " I grumble and walk to your room. I heard someone walking after me. " I can hear you following me. What do you need? " I ask turning around. " Hmm. You have a keen sense of hearing for a princess. " Vex'alia said with a smirk. I have her a fake smile. " Don't call me a princess. I am far from being one. " I said walking away. " Comes from the one who's in a dress and sat on her own throne. " Vax'ildan said appearing in front of me. " Shut up. " I walked passed him, but I shoulder checked him to be a bitch. I walked into my room. There were signs on the door with people's names. I close my door and lock it. I sigh and sit down on my bed. " Ugh. I can't even sit normally with this damn thing on me! " I shouted as I stood up and looked through my clothes. " Yes! My father wasn't being a bitch! " I say happily as I grab my clothes. I look a the door and it's locked. I begin to take off my dress when the door handle giggles. I sigh and put the dress back on. " What do you want? " you ask as you open the door. " Hey Thana. I just wanted to see you~ " Daniel cooed with a smile. " I know you wan the dress off~ I say I can help you with that~ " Daniel said looking at my shoulders. " How about go fuck yourself. " I say closing the door, but he stops it by using his foot. " That's no way to talk to me... Now is it? " Daniel said slightly pissed off. " I don't want your help. Now move your foot. " I say annoyed. I push the door harder slightly hearing bones crack. He quickly removes his door from the door. I close the door and lock it. I begin to remove my dress as I walk over to my clothes. I put on a black tight shirt. Then push the dress down. I put on black skinny jeans with gray shoes. I put on fingerless gloves. The sleeves of the gloves reach above my elbow. I let my hair down. I then rummaged through my clothes. Then there's a knock on my door. " Who is it? " I said loudly. " Thana I need to talk to you... " Daniel said in a low tone. I roll my eyes and open the door. " What do you want now? " I say slightly pissed off. " Thana... I know your pre- " I slap him. " Don't say that shit out loud you dip shit! " I said rather loudly. " Why the fuck did you hit me?! You know what! " Daniel punches me straight in my jaw. I stumble back hitting my back on a table. " You motherfucker! I don't give a shit if my parents want me to marry you!! I'll fucking kill you!! " I shouted as I kick him in the stomach. He practically flew backwards into the wall. " Stay the fuck out of my room!! " I yell as I slam my door. I lock my door and lean against it. I sink to the floor as I hug my knees. I felt waves of different emotions hit me. I look under my bed. " Oh now I fucking find it... " I mumble as I stand up and reach for the hoodie. " Why are you guys my comfort people... I should hate you for fucking kidnapping me... " I mumble as I put on Brian's hoodie. It was oversized for me, but I couldn't give two shits. It was comfortable and smelled like him. I look around my room and see a laptop. A smile forms on my face. I walk over to it and open it. " Please don't have a password... Fuck! Of course it has one... They taking more time to keep me here. Ugh... Let me try... " I type in Rose Silas, but it was wrong. " Must be fathers laptop... Uhh... How about... " I type in Carter. " And in! Haha... Dip shits... " I continue to try and find apps that Ben has been in. I hear a knock on the door. I roll my eyes and continue to look for apps. I hear them trying to pick the lock. I groan and close the laptop and open my window and crawl under my bed. I curl up into a ball and wait for them to open the door. The door opens and they walk in. " Thana? Why'd you kick Daniel and yell? " Percival asks as he looks around. " She left through the window... Great we're are surrounded by woods. How the fuck are we going to find her? " Vax'ildan said annoyed. " She didn't. It's something she does to make it seem she like she left. She's still in the room. " Percival said as he walks towards my closet. " And you know that how? " Scalan asked as he followed Percival, but he ignored the question. " Answer the question Percy. " Grog said as he stayed outside my room. " We... I use to be friends with her when we were kids. Until we were 16... That's when we were forced to part ways... " Percival explains as he walks away from my closet. " Why did you have to part ways? " Kelith asks kindly. " Our parents broke off an agreement. " Percival said walk towards my bed. " What was the agreement about? " Vex'alia asked slightly intrigued by our past history.

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