Can't or Won't

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Word Count: 3,225

◡̈⋆ʜᴇʟʟᴏ(●’◡’●)ノ I will try to be posting on both stories as much as I can. I will try as hard as I can!!

❢◥ ▬▬▬▬▬▬ ◆ ▬▬▬▬▬▬ ◤❢

Thana's POV

When Terri left the room I shedded a few more tears. " You must really care for him. " Dabi said leaning against the bar. " She does. Or does she. " Twice said looking at me. I just sit there and look away from them. " Who is he to you? " Dabi asked looking at me. He turned to face me fully. He knelt down and poked me. " Well? " he said poking me again. I glare at me and mumble. " Speak up. " he said poking me again. " I said keep poking me and say bye to your finger... " I said glaring at him. He chuckled and continues to poke me. I turn my head to face him. He was about to poke my cheek, so I tried to bite him. He pulled his finger back quickly. He looked weird because of the purple thing around his face. " You look like if a Teletubby and a human had a one night stand. And your mother didn't really want you. " me and Twice snickered. He growled and grabbed me pulling me closer. " Don't test me... " his voice was raspy and stern. " So what if I do~ " I laughed at his attempt to threaten me. He pulled me harder causing me to hit the bar. " Dabi! She needs to be ready for AFO!! So she can't be harmed. " he said looking at him. He rolled his eyes and let go of me. " You wouldn't step in her if you wanted to! " I taunted while laughing. " Shut up! Or I'll burn you! " he threatened. I start to laugh more. " Your so called threats are pointless! " I said rather loudly. He continued to glare at me. I rolled my eyes. He growled as threw a piece of fire at me. I started to laugh, and it that. " Dabi! That wasn't nice! " Twice yelled. I felt the tears form in my eyes. " What?! Cat got your tongue? " he said pushing me backwards. I hit my head rather hard on the floor. I groan in pain and curl up into a ball on my side. " You are very pathetic... If you can't handle that no wonder you flinch away sometimes. " Dabi said looking at me. " What about you? Do they know? " I said peering into his life. I felt his eyes on me more. He was getting pissed by the second. " Well? Or cat got your tongue. " venom laced my voice. The bar he was holding started to turn red. " Dabi! You're gonna burn the bars! Then Shigaraki will kill us. So please let go. Despite what she says... " Twice said putting his hand on Dabi's shoulder. " She will always be a pathetic bitch... She won't be truly loved ever again. By anyone other then her family... " Shigaraki said walking in. I felt a lump in my throat. I felt the tears come back. They opened the door so I kicked Twice causing him to fall back on to Dabi. Shigaraki stomped on my ankle. I yelled out in pain. I pull my leg back causing Shigaraki to fall back and hit his head. " Fuck!! " I yelled loudly. I looked at my foot to see it broken. " You... " I couldn't finish the sentence. It's gonna hurt me more then him. " What?! What could you possibly say that could hurt me more?! " Shigaraki yelled rubbing his head. They slammed the door closed and locked it. I glare at Shigaraki. He started to chuckle as he sees the tears in my eyes. " You can't say it huh? " Dabi said looking at me and Shigaraki. " She can't... Or should I say won't! " Shigaraki yelled. You can see the black smoke appear. " You a ungrateful mother fucker... Who do you think protected you from Mary and Zaligo?! Who?! I for sure as hell no it wasn't Rose!! She was the one that would make them inflict the pain!! " I yelled through my tears. " I would love you unconditionally!! I was the one that made them beat me instead of you!! I was the one enduring all that fucking pain... Who watched and laughed? Rose did... She is the one I should be telling this to... Not you... But you fucking earned it!! " I yelled trying to stand up, but I fell. I yell in frustration and just broke down. I laid there having a mental breakdown. " The worst part is I still love both of you... " I managed to say through tears. " You still left Thana. " Shigaraki said starting to walk out. " I didn't fucking leave!! They fucking put me in asylum because I didn't do what they said!! " I yelled before he walked out. I lay there crying. Jack, Davilla or Shigaraki have never seen me like this. I would control my emotions in front of them, so this was the first time he say me have a mental breakdown. Both Twice and Dabi looked at each other and then at me. After about 15 minutes of crying someone walked in. I was still trying to stop. " I uhh... Heard everything... " I girl spoke. She sounded kind and sweet. I started to bang my head against the floor softly at first. I was still crying uncontrollably. " Fuck... Fuck.. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck! " I yelled hitting my head harder. They opened the door and I tried to get to my feet, but failed. I fell, but Twice caught me. I struggled to get away, but stopped after he started to hug me.

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