
18 1 0

Word Count: 1,881

This chapter will be for Slenderman's side. There will also be Russian so I'll translate it into english so don't worry.


We where waiting for E. J. but he told us to wait.

" He said he ran into a complication. "

I told Hoodie.

" Again? He must really be harvesting organs this time, "

Hoodie said weirded out by the thought.



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" Ya. He must be getting cleaned off then. "

I said reading the address of he house this girl is at.

" So how we going to do this one? "

Hoodie asked intrigued.

" I say we call. By the looks of it she can talk in her demon form.. "

I said looking up at Hoodie.

" How are we going to get her in her demon form then? "

Hoodie asked.

" You know that gas, that X-Virus made? "

I said smirking.

" Which one. He made about 10. "

Hoodie asked me smiling.

" The one we used on Lazaro. "

I told Hoodie.

" That one? He made it see through, right? "

He asked chuckling. I nodded.

" Sorry I made you wait... "

Jack said looking down.

" What's up with you? "

Hoodie asked Jack.

" I... I found out... That my sister is alive, "

He said in a low and hushed tone.

" Holy shit. You have a sister?! " Hoodie said sounding surprised.

" Did you kill her? "

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